More miscellany Parts One & Two (Evolution)

by David Turell @, Saturday, October 05, 2024, 20:55 (12 days ago) @ dhw

DNA hunts pathogens now developed into "free-for-all"

DAVID: Freedom of action while following instructions is how life works. That allows mistakes to happen. Not God's fault.

dhw: If you follow instructions, you do not have freedom of action!

The biochemistry of life has free-floating proteins in action, free to make mistakes.

dhw: And if the instructions don’t work, that can only be the fault of the instructor. What you call “mistakes” will only be the fault of the cells if they have the freedom to act independently of any instructions

They do as mistakes in action.

Early galaxies

DAVID: the more we see, the more we learn and have to modify theories and models. Not at all surprising. In a fast-moving areas of study like this one theories have to be liquid, not fixed. We still do not know why the universe has to be as it is. I assume it is all purposeful.

dhw: A lovely comment. But if theories have to be liquid, may I suggest that you unfix your theory that the universe “has to be” as it is, and you qualify your assumption that it is all purposeful?

Why don't you see the obvious purpose in action?

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