More miscellany Parts One & Two (Evolution)

by David Turell @, Tuesday, September 03, 2024, 20:16 (169 days ago) @ dhw

Black holes needed for life

DAVID: It makes perfect sense to me! God designed it so it had to be that way. You second guess GOD!

dhw: I don’t know if your God exists. Your design argument presents a good case for his existence. Your belief that your God designed billions of probably lifeless galaxies in order to create us and our food, though you haven’t a clue why he would do so, is not a very convincing argument for God’s existence, or for your theory about his one and only purpose.

My belief makes perfect sense. It is what God wanted to happen.

God and evolution: weaverbirds

DAVID: All of God's good has some bad side effects.

dhw: Two separate issues here: You stand by your theory that he dabbled or preprogrammed all of the above, so no species apart from the nasty ones have ever had the intelligence to design their homes, means of self-defence, strategies for catching prey, or for surviving changing conditions. Only the murderous ones were given such autonomous intelligence.

DAVID: Makes little sense. Good and bad had the same DNA programming.

dhw: I agree that it makes little sense. That is why I suggest that the good and the bad may all have the same autonomous intelligence to work out their various ways of survival.

Or are DNA programmed as nest building shows.

Weird forms in Mono Lake

dhw: A wonderful example of cells forming a community. As you yourself often comment: “not by chance”, since clearly their communities have been successful in the struggle for survival. The above quotes do indeed seem to bridge a gap – from intelligent individual cells to communities of intelligent individual cells.

DAVID: Perhaps a God-given capacity.

dhw: Yes, the theory of cellular intelligence allows for God as its designer.


dhw: Thank you. And thank you for the further evidence of cellular intelligence you have provided below.

Bacterial intelligence? navigation and sensing

DAVID: this chemo-sensory ability is built into the bacterial DNA, which certainly makes them move intelligently.

Yes, following DNA instructions

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