Return to David's theory of evolution, purpose & theodicy (Evolution)

by David Turell @, Monday, April 01, 2024, 18:06 (116 days ago) @ dhw

dhw: Do you believe that we and our food are directly descended from 99.9% of all creatures that ever lived?

DAVID: No. From the 0.1% surviving.

DAVID: Whose necessary 99.9% were their ancestors!! Stop twisting evolution.

This is pathetic. 0.1% of creatures that ever lived were the ancestors, and 99.9% were not the ancestors. The precise figures don’t matter anyway. The point is that according to you, your God designed and then killed off the vast majority of species as they had no connection with his purpose. You don’t know why, so you say his method was messy, cumbersome and inefficient, but you refuse to consider any alternatives.

DAVID: A neutral theology is what I try to follow based on my concept of God's personality.

dhw: I can’t see any “neutrality” in your concept of God as a messy, cumbersome and inefficient designer. Nor is it neutral to assume that your God is all-powerful, all-knowing and all-good. Nor is it neutral if you tell us with great authority that he doesn’t need love, that he doesn’t experiment, that he is selfless, that although he enjoys creating he couldn’t possibly create things for his own enjoyment. Nor is it neutral to “trust God” although you cannot find a single reason why he allows human evil, while you even blame him for “natural” evils like bad bugs.

DAVID: Welcome to faith and trust. I take from theologian presentations what fits my concepts developed from reading Adler's books and Karen Anderson's "A History of God", clearly describing Hebrew, Christian and Muslim forms of God as they evolved. Not a glimmer of your contrived versions.

dhw: Sorry, but you said your approach was neutral. How can all the above be called neutral, and how can you call it neutral if it is based on YOUR concept???

DAVID: I search into all forms of faith for ideas to study and perhaps use. Total neutrality.

dhw: Neutrality does not refer to the search but to the conclusions drawn from the search. Your conclusions all fit in with the principle you explained to us a little while ago: “I first start with a form of God I wish to believe in. The rest follows.” And you call that neutrality!

I had no idea how to think about God until I read both Adler and Anderson. A neutral start with conclusions from there. Do you ever conclude anything?

Darwinism and God

dhw: The starting point of this discussion was your statement that “Two alternatives exist: God or nature”.

dhw: I have pointed out that millions of people, including Darwin, the Pope, the Rev. Charles Kingsley and me, believe(d) that the two are compatible.

DAVID: Not through the eyes of ID!! With them and I join them, it is either/or. They have declared Darwin theory dead. God designed it.

dhw: Then that should be your statement: ID-ers dismiss Darwinism and claim that Darwinism and God are incompatible. Meanwhile, lots of other people believe that Darwinism is valid and that it is perfectly compatible with God. You do not have the authority to tell them that they are wrong.[…]

DAVID: The theory is basically dead. Darwin's late declarations re' God in latter editions is not the point.

dhw: 1)The basic theory of common descent, with natural selection determining what survives and what doesn’t, is not basically dead. 2) Your point was that Darwinism and God were alternatives. Millions of people disagree with you. Please don’t state your opinions as if they were facts.

For ID and myself, only a designer fits the known factual material. Following worldwide science literature, I see more and more praise of an amazingly 'designed' structure with a quick scurry back to natural selection did it somehow. Passive natural selection!

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