Let's study ID: the complexity of cell division (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Monday, July 08, 2024, 18:41 (74 days ago) @ David Turell

An ID point of view on cell division:


"The sequence of amino acids in each protein involved is far too improbable to have originated by chance.

"Several million cells divide every second in our bodies.

"Cells have been dividing since the beginning of life on earth.

"The accuracy of cell division is so extraordinarily high, many animals alive today are recognizable from their counterparts in the fossil record.

"We are truly privileged to behold details of wonders that were concealed from the eyes of people for thousands of years. If Romans and Babylonians and ancient Chinese were impressed by the sight of a baby at birth, how much more should we be awestruck, dumbfounded, indeed reverent at what biochemists are learning today about realities too small for human eyes? Sure, some observations like evil and suffering are hard to understand, yet even these are better situated for explanation in a design context. As my college biology prof used to say, “The amazing thing is not that we get sick. The amazing thing is that we are ever well,” considering how many things must work correctly each moment of every day. Never become complacent about these realities taking place inside us. We are witnessing intelligent design at a level never comprehended throughout all human history." (my bold)

Comment: cells are doing thousands of biochemical molecular processes every second and as the prof noted the vast majority of the time it all works just fine. This cannot happen by chance. It is the answer to objections in theodicy.

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