Natures wonders: Kamikaze termites (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Tuesday, August 27, 2024, 19:52 (20 days ago) @ David Turell

A back loaded with a fatal enzyme:

"Colonies of the species Neocapritermes taracua boast a unique type of defense, which is provided by worker termites at the end of their lives. When attacked, they sacrifice themselves by setting off an explosive chemical reaction, the result of which is a toxic liquid that immobilizes and poisons their adversary.


"The termite species Neocapritermes taracua has evolved a peculiar defense mechanism that is unparalleled in the insect world. Worker termites play a key role in it. Over their lifetime, they gradually amass a particular enzyme, blue laccase BP76, in special pockets on their backs.

"When their colony finds itself in danger, older individuals tear this "rucksack" apart. The enzyme is then almost immediately mixed with another substance—which, up to this point, has been relatively harmless—stored in the termite's body. This substance creates a sticky liquid containing highly poisonous benzoquinones. Although this kills the kamikaze termite itself, it also immobilizes or kills the attacker.

"How this potentially explosive enzyme stays active in a solid state on the backs of insects has been a true scientific riddle. Scientists from the Structural Biology research group at IOCB Prague have solved the puzzle with the help of X-ray crystallography. Škerlová was intrigued by the fact that the blue laccase borne by termites contains an unusually strong bond between two amino acids—which are the building blocks of proteins—near the active site of the enzyme, to which the target molecule binds and where it reacts.

"Škerlová explains, "Unraveling the three-dimensional structure of laccase BP76 revealed that this enzyme uses a variety of stabilization strategies, which make it not only highly durable, but also fully functional even in the harsh conditions of tropical rainforests."

"Due to its unique structure, laccase BP76 not only remains intact, but also active even though it rests on the back of a termite over the course of its entire life. This is crucial for the enzyme's role in the defense mechanism, because in the event of an attack on the colony, the reaction must be immediate.

"Termites of the species Neocapritermes taracua can live a whole lifetime with this suicidal load. Young individuals, which are still capable of doing a lot of work for their colony, carry only small amounts of the enzyme in their back pockets. The blue "rucksack," in which the explosive material accumulates, grows larger over time as the insect loses strength. Its last service to the termite mound is that it is prepared to sacrifice itself for the good of the colony.


"'Our discovery is an excellent illustration of the irreplaceable role of structural biology. Just as knowledge about individual components of an instrument sheds light on how it works, knowing the three-dimensional structure (i.e. the positions of individual atoms) of a molecule helps us understand a biological process. In this case, it is a unique defense mechanism of termites," emphasizes Pavlína Řezáčová, head of the laboratory from which the research originates."

Comment: the key is the enzyme which can only trigger a fatal reaction when released. This is not a simple adaptation. it required conceptual thought in planning a time-distant event. Only design fits.

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