Natures wonders: very old, inhabited termite mounds (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Monday, July 08, 2024, 18:07 (70 days ago) @ David Turell

At 34,000 years:

"Some of the mounds near the Buffels River in Namaqualand were estimated by radiocarbon dating to be 34,000 years old, according to the researchers from Stellenbosch University.


"Francis said the Namaqualand mounds are a termite version of an “apartment complex” and the evidence shows they have been consistently inhabited by termite colonies.


"Some of the biggest mounds — known locally as “heuweltjies,” which means little hills in the Afrikaans language — measure around 100 feet (30 meters) across. The termite nests are as deep as 10 feet underground.


"Francis said the project was more than just a fascinating look at ancient structures. It also offered a peek into a prehistoric climate that showed Namaqualand was a much wetter place when the mounds were formed.

"The southern harvester termites are experts at capturing and storing carbon by collecting twigs and other dead wood and putting it back deep into the soil. That has benefits in offsetting climate change by reducing the amount of carbon emitted into the atmosphere.

"It’s also good for the soil. Masses of wildflowers bloom on top of the termite mounds in a region that receives little rain."

Comment: another ecosystem in which termites play a major role. No human city or society is this old.

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