Introducing the brain: general (Introduction)
New Study Changes Our Understanding of Human ... -
dhw: The article suggests that the requirements for new abilities and technologies and enhanced communication (e.g. for hunting) led to changes in the frontal lobe. This is the direct opposite of two of your theories, as above. What is the dichotomy?
DAVID: We always disagree about the ability of a group of existing neurons to form a whole new-sized brain.
dhw: What “whole new-sized brain” are you talking about? Existing brains complexified and then expanded in stages. You accept that complexification is autonomous, but you want your God popping in every time to add new cells when, or rather BEFORE they are required. The article refutes your proposal that 1) the complexities of the frontal lobe originated with sapiens, and 2) that the brain changes took place before they were required. What is the dichotomy? (dhw's bold)
DAVID: So in your misinterpretation Broca's was not present before speech?
Of course it was present. I reproduced the quote that said it was present, and what its function may have been: "She also notes that the Broca area is involved in tool-making, and that all this begs the question: What kind of selection pressure may have been responsible for the reorganization of the human frontal lobes? Good question."
She suggests that the pressures were related to the need for “new capabilities and technologies” and enhanced communication, and her article explicitly refutes your two proposals I have bolded above. What was supposed to be a “dichotomy”, and what have I misinterpreted?
Memory formation
DAVID: It shows our brain is designed with neurons with specific functions for future use.
dhw: I think the article describes how different memories are formed, but of course there would not be much point in forming memories if we didn’t have the means of remembering them in the future!
DAVID: We came with memory ability, without which nothing could be accomplished.
dhw: Agreed. The same applies to all life forms. That does not mean that your God operated on pre-sapiens brains in order to give them extra cells that would not be used until some vague future time.
DAVID: That is exactly how it works.
Ah well... I’d have thought it would make more sense for new cells to be created in response to new needs rather than just to stick around for a few thousand years doing nothing. (Or 7 million years – see under “our special genes”.) I wonder if all your ID-ers agree with this theory of yours.
Complete thread:
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-08, 23:49
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-09, 13:07
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-09, 17:58
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-10, 13:57
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-10, 18:56
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-11, 12:11
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-11, 17:47
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-12, 11:09
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-13, 00:24
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-13, 14:02
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-13, 17:32
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-14, 13:10
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-14, 17:51
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-15, 13:12
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-15, 17:55
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-16, 13:38
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-16, 19:03
- Introducing the brain: altering the mind -
David Turell,
2018-05-16, 21:38
- Introducing the brain:neurons control muscle impulse control - David Turell, 2022-04-19, 20:37
- Introducing the brain: noradrenalin effects -
David Turell,
2022-06-01, 18:47
- Introducing the brain: a specialized memory cell - David Turell, 2022-06-01, 19:25
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-17, 13:19
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-18, 00:08
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-18, 13:03
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-18, 20:54
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-19, 09:52
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-19, 20:22
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-20, 10:28
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-20, 15:36
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-21, 13:37
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-21, 20:09
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-22, 12:50
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-22, 18:37
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-23, 13:07
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-23, 22:10
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-24, 19:23
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-25, 00:04
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-25, 11:30
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-25, 20:03
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-26, 11:22
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-26, 15:27
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-27, 10:55
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-27, 20:42
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-28, 10:37
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-28, 15:05
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-29, 12:42
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-29, 15:18
- Introducing the brain: the GPS system -
David Turell,
2018-05-29, 18:24
- Introducing the brain: fear and anxiety - David Turell, 2018-05-29, 19:30
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-30, 11:41
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-30, 18:15
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-31, 12:01
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-31, 18:17
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-01, 07:53
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-01, 14:41
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-02, 08:40
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-02, 15:07
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-02, 15:35
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-03, 09:32
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-03, 15:19
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-04, 13:01
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-04, 14:07
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-05, 12:36
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-05, 14:34
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-06, 13:03
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens/appendix -
2018-06-06, 13:08
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens/appendix -
David Turell,
2018-06-06, 19:03
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens/appendix - David Turell, 2018-06-06, 19:06
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens/appendix -
David Turell,
2018-06-06, 19:03
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-06, 15:13
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-07, 13:33
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-07, 15:19
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-08, 12:56
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-08, 17:53
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-09, 10:34
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-09, 15:06
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-10, 10:52
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-10, 18:22
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-11, 10:06
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-11, 15:43
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-12, 12:25
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-12, 17:53
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-13, 12:28
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-13, 15:25
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-14, 18:25
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-14, 20:42
- Introducing the brain: where consciousness happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-14, 21:45
- Introducing the brain: where consciousness happens -
2018-06-16, 11:29
- Introducing the brain: where consciousness happens - David Turell, 2018-06-16, 15:01
- Introducing the brain: where consciousness happens -
2018-06-16, 11:29
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-16, 11:25
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-16, 14:59
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-17, 12:14
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens - David Turell, 2018-06-17, 15:26
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-17, 12:14
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-16, 14:59
- Introducing the brain: where consciousness happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-14, 21:45
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-14, 20:42
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-14, 18:25
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-13, 15:25
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-13, 12:28
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-12, 17:53
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-12, 12:25
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-11, 15:43
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-11, 10:06
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-10, 18:22
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-10, 10:52
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-09, 15:06
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-09, 10:34
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-08, 17:53
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-08, 12:56
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-07, 15:19
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-07, 13:33
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens/appendix -
2018-06-06, 13:08
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-06, 13:03
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-05, 14:34
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-05, 12:36
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-04, 14:07
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-04, 13:01
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-03, 15:19
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-03, 09:32
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-03, 09:31
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-03, 19:09
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-04, 13:14
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-04, 23:07
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-05, 12:42
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-05, 14:47
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-06, 13:14
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-06, 19:13
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-07, 14:07
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-08, 00:29
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-08, 13:08
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-08, 18:09
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-09, 10:57
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-09, 15:21
- Introducing the brain: mnemonic memory tricks - David Turell, 2018-06-09, 18:16
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-10, 10:59
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-10, 18:48
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-11, 10:18
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-11, 16:03
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-12, 12:40
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-12, 18:14
- Introducing the brain: sleep control center found - David Turell, 2018-06-12, 18:57
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-13, 12:35
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-13, 19:38
- Introducing the brain: the role of glia cells -
David Turell,
2018-06-19, 00:59
- Introducing the brain: different consciousness research -
David Turell,
2019-09-12, 21:16
- Introducing the brain: different consciousness research -
2019-09-13, 10:49
- Introducing the brain: new consciousness research - David Turell, 2020-07-05, 23:09
- Introducing the brain: the circuit for conscious awareness -
David Turell,
2019-10-01, 01:14
- Introducing the brain: the circuit for conscious awareness - David Turell, 2020-11-01, 19:50
- Introducing the brain: different consciousness research -
2019-09-13, 10:49
- Introducing the brain: different consciousness research -
David Turell,
2019-09-12, 21:16
- Introducing the brain: the role of glia cells -
David Turell,
2018-06-19, 00:59
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-13, 19:38
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-12, 18:14
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-12, 12:40
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-11, 16:03
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-11, 10:18
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-10, 18:48
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-09, 15:21
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-09, 10:57
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-08, 18:09
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-08, 13:08
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-08, 00:29
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-07, 14:07
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-06, 19:13
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-06, 13:14
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-05, 14:47
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-05, 12:42
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-04, 23:07
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-04, 13:14
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-03, 19:09
- Introducing the brain: plasticity & double strand DNA breaks - David Turell, 2021-08-30, 17:26
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-02, 15:35
- Introducing the brain; increased exercise reprograms -
David Turell,
2018-11-06, 18:26
- Introducing the brain; complexity as seen by a computer geek -
David Turell,
2018-11-13, 00:01
- Introducing the brain;complexity seen by a computer geek II -
David Turell,
2018-11-13, 00:17
- Introducing the brain;complexity seen by a computer geek II -
2018-11-13, 13:42
- Introducing the brain;complexity seen by a computer geek II -
David Turell,
2018-11-13, 17:32
- Introducing the brain;complexity seen by a computer geek II -
2018-11-14, 09:53
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
David Turell,
2018-12-09, 19:56
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
2018-12-10, 13:09
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
David Turell,
2018-12-10, 15:30
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
2018-12-11, 14:10
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
David Turell,
2018-12-11, 18:17
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
2018-12-12, 11:13
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
David Turell,
2018-12-12, 15:27
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
2018-12-13, 09:48
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
David Turell,
2018-12-13, 21:24
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
2018-12-14, 10:53
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
David Turell,
2018-12-14, 19:47
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
2018-12-15, 12:06
- brain;complexity: detecting one trillion scents -
David Turell,
2019-01-09, 20:30
- brain;complexity: structure of a hippocampal receptor -
David Turell,
2019-04-14, 21:28
- brain complexity: RNA control of neurogenesis very complex -
David Turell,
2019-04-15, 18:30
- brain complexity: chemical controls -
David Turell,
2020-01-11, 20:00
- brain complexity: chemical controls -
2020-01-12, 12:36
- brain complexity: chemical controls -
David Turell,
2020-01-12, 16:05
- brain complexity: probably calculating dendrites -
David Turell,
2020-01-15, 00:26
- brain complexity: glial cells have functions -
David Turell,
2020-01-28, 00:13
- brain complexity: astrocyte functions - David Turell, 2020-04-24, 23:00
- brain complexity: very specialized auditory neurons - David Turell, 2020-09-01, 18:10
- brain complexity: glial cells have functions II - David Turell, 2020-09-08, 22:33
- brain complexity: message controls -
David Turell,
2020-09-25, 23:46
- brain complexity: does size control mental capacity - David Turell, 2020-09-26, 00:19
- brain complexity: controlled use of energy - David Turell, 2020-10-05, 18:18
- brain complexity: glial cells have functions -
David Turell,
2020-01-28, 00:13
- brain complexity: probably calculating dendrites -
David Turell,
2020-01-15, 00:26
- brain complexity: chemical controls -
David Turell,
2020-01-12, 16:05
- brain complexity: chemical controls -
2020-01-12, 12:36
- brain complexity: chemical controls -
David Turell,
2020-01-11, 20:00
- brain complexity: RNA control of neurogenesis very complex -
David Turell,
2019-04-15, 18:30
- brain;complexity: structure of a hippocampal receptor -
David Turell,
2019-04-14, 21:28
- brain;complexity: detecting one trillion scents -
David Turell,
2019-01-09, 20:30
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
2018-12-15, 12:06
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
David Turell,
2018-12-14, 19:47
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
2018-12-14, 10:53
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
David Turell,
2018-12-13, 21:24
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
2018-12-13, 09:48
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
David Turell,
2018-12-12, 15:27
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
2018-12-12, 11:13
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
David Turell,
2018-12-11, 18:17
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
2018-12-11, 14:10
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
David Turell,
2018-12-10, 15:30
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
2018-12-10, 13:09
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
David Turell,
2018-12-09, 19:56
- Introducing the brain;complexity seen by a computer geek II -
2018-11-14, 09:53
- Introducing the brain;complexity seen by a computer geek II -
David Turell,
2018-11-13, 17:32
- Introducing the brain;complexity seen by a computer geek II -
2018-11-13, 13:42
- Introducing the brain;complexity seen by a computer geek II -
David Turell,
2018-11-13, 00:17
- Introducing the brain; complexity as seen by a computer geek -
David Turell,
2018-11-13, 00:01
- Introducing the brain: it anticipates senses -
David Turell,
2019-05-13, 19:50
- Introducing the brain: it anticipates senses -
2019-05-14, 13:18
- Introducing the brain: it anticipates senses -
David Turell,
2019-05-14, 15:13
- Introducing the brain: it anticipates senses -
2019-05-15, 13:35
- Introducing the brain: it anticipates senses -
David Turell,
2019-05-15, 18:18
- Introducing the brain: how Mother's voice shapes it -
David Turell,
2019-06-01, 18:30
- Introducing the brain: astrocytes clean up toxic lipids -
David Turell,
2019-06-01, 20:05
- Introducing the brain: the plasticity of the single neuron -
David Turell,
2019-07-12, 19:21
- Introducing the brain: the plasticity of the single neuron -
David Turell,
2019-08-06, 20:46
- Introducing the brain: cerebellum differs from mouse - David Turell, 2019-10-19, 20:52
- Introducing the brain: the plasticity of body part loss -
David Turell,
2019-11-05, 18:54
- Introducing the brain: keeping track of the body -
David Turell,
2019-11-09, 19:33
- Introducing the brain: not understanding how it works -
David Turell,
2020-02-02, 19:29
- Introducing the brain: strict blood-brain barrier -
David Turell,
2020-02-10, 19:35
- Introducing the brain: protecting memories of learned info -
David Turell,
2020-02-10, 20:04
- Introducing the brain: suppressing extraneous info - David Turell, 2020-02-10, 20:17
- Introducing the brain: protecting memories of learned info -
2020-02-11, 12:20
- Introducing the brain: protecting memories of learned info -
David Turell,
2020-02-11, 14:35
- Introducing the brain: microglia have many functions -
David Turell,
2020-02-12, 20:50
- Introducing the brain: right/ left lobe asymmetry - David Turell, 2020-02-14, 19:22
- Introducing the brain: microglia have many functions -
2020-02-17, 08:47
- Introducing the brain: microglia have many functions -
David Turell,
2020-02-17, 15:01
- Introducing the brain: microglia have many functions - David Turell, 2020-12-15, 15:06
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-17, 18:47
- Introducing the brain: a tiny brain is just fine - David Turell, 2020-02-17, 20:04
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-02-18, 16:27
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-18, 18:33
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-02-19, 13:53
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-19, 19:08
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-02-20, 11:01
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-20, 21:04
- Introducing the brain: Brain control of blood supply -
David Turell,
2020-02-20, 22:12
- Introducing the brain: bumble bee brain confirms shapes -
David Turell,
2020-02-20, 22:38
- Introducing the brain: bumble bee brain confirms shapes -
2020-02-21, 12:44
- Introducing the brain: bumble bee brain confirms shapes -
David Turell,
2020-02-21, 15:00
- Introducing the brain: Albrecht-Buehler addendum - David Turell, 2020-02-21, 22:05
- Introducing the brain: bumble bee brain confirms shapes -
David Turell,
2020-02-21, 15:00
- Introducing the brain: bumble bee brain confirms shapes -
2020-02-21, 12:44
- Introducing the brain: bumble bee brain confirms shapes -
David Turell,
2020-02-20, 22:38
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-02-21, 12:50
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-21, 20:11
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-02-22, 11:07
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-22, 18:16
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-02-23, 08:37
- !! -
David Turell,
2020-02-23, 18:19
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-24, 18:45
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-02-25, 10:39
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-25, 15:25
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-02-26, 19:31
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-26, 21:11
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-02-27, 11:06
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-27, 20:42
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-01, 08:44
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-01, 19:21
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-02, 11:41
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-02, 22:17
- Introducing the brain: newborn brain well organized - David Turell, 2020-03-02, 23:52
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-03, 15:41
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-03, 19:05
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-04, 12:30
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-04, 20:39
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-05, 11:49
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-05, 15:31
- Introducing the brain: half a brain; new erectus paper -
David Turell,
2020-03-05, 21:40
- Introducing the brain: half a brain; new erectus paper - David Turell, 2020-03-06, 02:14
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-06, 15:56
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-06, 17:34
- Introducing the brain: role of transporters in neurons -
David Turell,
2020-03-06, 20:41
- Introducing the brain: human cerebellum different -
David Turell,
2020-03-07, 01:32
- Introducing the brain: human cerebellum different -
David Turell,
2020-03-13, 20:35
- Introducing the brain: neurons change to form memories - David Turell, 2020-03-14, 01:29
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
David Turell,
2020-05-22, 20:56
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
David Turell,
2020-06-12, 22:10
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
2020-06-13, 11:14
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
David Turell,
2020-06-13, 20:13
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
2020-06-14, 10:55
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
David Turell,
2020-06-14, 18:46
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
David Turell,
2020-06-14, 23:36
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different - David Turell, 2020-06-14, 23:51
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
2020-06-15, 11:09
- Introducing the brain: dopamine everywhere - David Turell, 2020-06-15, 17:35
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
David Turell,
2020-06-15, 18:02
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
2020-06-16, 11:20
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different - David Turell, 2020-06-16, 19:44
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
2020-06-16, 11:20
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
David Turell,
2020-06-14, 23:36
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
David Turell,
2020-06-14, 18:46
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
2020-06-14, 10:55
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
David Turell,
2020-06-13, 20:13
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
2020-06-13, 11:14
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
David Turell,
2020-06-12, 22:10
- Introducing the brain: human cerebellum different -
David Turell,
2020-03-13, 20:35
- Introducing the brain: human cerebellum different -
David Turell,
2020-03-07, 01:32
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-07, 11:28
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-07, 22:43
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-08, 11:08
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-08, 18:11
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-09, 11:03
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-09, 20:26
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-10, 11:03
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-10, 17:50
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-11, 11:54
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-11, 14:28
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-12, 07:56
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-13, 00:10
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-13, 17:44
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-13, 19:32
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-14, 12:31
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-14, 21:16
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-15, 10:28
- Introducing the brain: brain growth by pattern -
David Turell,
2020-03-15, 15:22
- Introducing the brain: brain growth by pattern -
2020-03-16, 13:56
- Introducing the brain: brain growth by pattern -
David Turell,
2020-03-16, 15:22
- Introducing the brain: brain growth by pattern -
2020-03-17, 12:58
- Introducing the brain: brain growth by pattern - David Turell, 2020-03-17, 20:05
- Introducing the brain: brain growth by pattern -
2020-03-17, 12:58
- Introducing the brain: brain growth by pattern -
David Turell,
2020-03-16, 15:22
- Introducing the brain: brain growth by pattern -
2020-03-16, 13:56
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-15, 19:50
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-16, 14:08
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-16, 18:48
- Introducing the brain: stimulating neurons uses EPO - David Turell, 2020-03-16, 20:59
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-17, 13:16
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-17, 21:15
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-18, 08:52
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-18, 18:52
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-19, 11:49
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-19, 19:04
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-19, 19:04
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-19, 11:49
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-18, 18:52
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-18, 08:52
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-17, 21:15
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-16, 18:48
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-16, 14:08
- Introducing the brain: brain growth by pattern -
David Turell,
2020-03-15, 15:22
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-15, 10:28
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-14, 21:16
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-14, 12:31
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-13, 19:32
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-13, 17:44
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-13, 00:10
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-12, 07:56
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-11, 14:28
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-11, 11:54
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-10, 17:50
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-10, 11:03
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-09, 20:26
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-09, 11:03
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-08, 18:11
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-08, 11:08
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-07, 22:43
- Introducing the brain: role of transporters in neurons -
David Turell,
2020-03-06, 20:41
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-06, 17:34
- Introducing the brain: half a brain; new erectus paper -
David Turell,
2020-03-05, 21:40
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-05, 15:31
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-05, 11:49
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-04, 20:39
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-04, 12:30
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-03, 19:05
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-02, 22:17
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-02, 11:41
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-01, 19:21
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-01, 08:44
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-27, 20:42
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-02-27, 11:06
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-26, 21:11
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-02-26, 19:31
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-25, 15:25
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-02-25, 10:39
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-24, 18:45
- !! -
David Turell,
2020-02-23, 18:19
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-02-23, 08:37
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-22, 18:16
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-02-22, 11:07
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-21, 20:11
- Introducing the brain: Brain control of blood supply -
David Turell,
2020-02-20, 22:12
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-20, 21:04
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-02-20, 11:01
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-19, 19:08
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-02-19, 13:53
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-18, 18:33
- Introducing the brain: microglia have many functions -
David Turell,
2020-02-17, 15:01
- Introducing the brain: microglia have many functions -
David Turell,
2020-02-12, 20:50
- Introducing the brain: protecting memories of learned info -
David Turell,
2020-02-11, 14:35
- Introducing the brain: protecting memories of learned info -
David Turell,
2020-02-10, 20:04
- Introducing the brain: strict blood-brain barrier -
David Turell,
2020-02-10, 19:35
- Introducing the brain: not understanding how it works -
David Turell,
2020-02-02, 19:29
- Introducing the brain: keeping track of the body -
David Turell,
2019-11-09, 19:33
- Introducing the brain: the plasticity of the single neuron -
David Turell,
2019-08-06, 20:46
- Introducing the brain: the plasticity of the single neuron -
David Turell,
2019-07-12, 19:21
- Introducing the brain: astrocytes clean up toxic lipids -
David Turell,
2019-06-01, 20:05
- Introducing the brain: how Mother's voice shapes it -
David Turell,
2019-06-01, 18:30
- Introducing the brain: it anticipates senses -
David Turell,
2019-05-15, 18:18
- Introducing the brain: it anticipates senses -
2019-05-15, 13:35
- Introducing the brain: it anticipates senses -
David Turell,
2019-05-14, 15:13
- Introducing the brain: it anticipates senses -
2019-05-14, 13:18
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-02, 15:07
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-02, 08:40
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-01, 14:41
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-01, 07:53
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-31, 18:17
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-31, 12:01
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-30, 18:15
- Introducing the brain: the GPS system -
David Turell,
2018-05-29, 18:24
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-29, 15:18
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-29, 12:42
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-28, 15:05
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-28, 10:37
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-27, 20:42
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-27, 10:55
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-26, 15:27
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-26, 11:22
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-25, 20:03
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-25, 11:30
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-25, 00:04
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-24, 19:23
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-23, 22:10
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-23, 13:07
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-22, 18:37
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-22, 12:50
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-21, 20:09
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-21, 13:37
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-20, 15:36
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-20, 10:28
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-19, 20:22
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-19, 09:52
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-18, 20:54
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-18, 13:03
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-18, 00:08
- Introducing the brain: altering the mind -
David Turell,
2018-05-16, 21:38
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-16, 19:03
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-16, 13:38
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-15, 17:55
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-15, 13:12
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-14, 17:51
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-14, 13:10
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-13, 17:32
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-13, 14:02
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-13, 00:24
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-12, 11:09
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-11, 17:47
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-11, 12:11
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-10, 18:56
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-10, 13:57
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-09, 17:58
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-09, 13:07