Introducing the brain: it anticipates senses (Introduction)
DAVID: This does not show that the brain is in charge of us. It shows that the brain sets up networks to help us by anticipating the next step in the sensory process. This is built into the brain's designed activity.
dhw: But it does not show us that the brain is NOT in charge of us. It merely tells us that there are different forms of interaction either between the brain and the so-called soul (dualism), or between different parts of the brain if one believes that the brain is the source of thought (materialism).
DAVID: But as I view my use of the brain, it seems to me I introduce my thoughts, just as I purposely answered you by creating this sentence. Since I use my brain as I wish, I have free will.
dhw: We have covered this in great detail during our discussions on materialism versus dualism. As a dualist, you like to separate your “I” into material brain and immaterial soul. Materialists believe that the “I” which “introduces” your thoughts is also the product of your materials.
I know the view, and you try to be neutral. I am not.
Complete thread:
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-08, 23:49
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-09, 13:07
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-09, 17:58
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-10, 13:57
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-10, 18:56
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-11, 12:11
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-11, 17:47
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-12, 11:09
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-13, 00:24
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-13, 14:02
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-13, 17:32
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-14, 13:10
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-14, 17:51
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-15, 13:12
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-15, 17:55
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-16, 13:38
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-16, 19:03
- Introducing the brain: altering the mind -
David Turell,
2018-05-16, 21:38
- Introducing the brain:neurons control muscle impulse control - David Turell, 2022-04-19, 20:37
- Introducing the brain: noradrenalin effects -
David Turell,
2022-06-01, 18:47
- Introducing the brain: a specialized memory cell - David Turell, 2022-06-01, 19:25
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-17, 13:19
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-18, 00:08
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-18, 13:03
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-18, 20:54
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-19, 09:52
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-19, 20:22
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-20, 10:28
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-20, 15:36
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-21, 13:37
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-21, 20:09
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-22, 12:50
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-22, 18:37
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-23, 13:07
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-23, 22:10
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-24, 19:23
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-25, 00:04
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-25, 11:30
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-25, 20:03
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-26, 11:22
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-26, 15:27
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-27, 10:55
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-27, 20:42
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-28, 10:37
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-28, 15:05
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-29, 12:42
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-29, 15:18
- Introducing the brain: the GPS system -
David Turell,
2018-05-29, 18:24
- Introducing the brain: fear and anxiety - David Turell, 2018-05-29, 19:30
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-30, 11:41
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-30, 18:15
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-31, 12:01
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-31, 18:17
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-01, 07:53
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-01, 14:41
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-02, 08:40
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-02, 15:07
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-02, 15:35
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-03, 09:32
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-03, 15:19
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-04, 13:01
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-04, 14:07
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-05, 12:36
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-05, 14:34
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-06, 13:03
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens/appendix -
2018-06-06, 13:08
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens/appendix -
David Turell,
2018-06-06, 19:03
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens/appendix - David Turell, 2018-06-06, 19:06
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens/appendix -
David Turell,
2018-06-06, 19:03
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-06, 15:13
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-07, 13:33
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-07, 15:19
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-08, 12:56
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-08, 17:53
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-09, 10:34
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-09, 15:06
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-10, 10:52
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-10, 18:22
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-11, 10:06
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-11, 15:43
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-12, 12:25
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-12, 17:53
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-13, 12:28
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-13, 15:25
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-14, 18:25
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-14, 20:42
- Introducing the brain: where consciousness happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-14, 21:45
- Introducing the brain: where consciousness happens -
2018-06-16, 11:29
- Introducing the brain: where consciousness happens - David Turell, 2018-06-16, 15:01
- Introducing the brain: where consciousness happens -
2018-06-16, 11:29
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-16, 11:25
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-16, 14:59
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-17, 12:14
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens - David Turell, 2018-06-17, 15:26
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-17, 12:14
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-16, 14:59
- Introducing the brain: where consciousness happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-14, 21:45
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-14, 20:42
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-14, 18:25
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-13, 15:25
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-13, 12:28
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-12, 17:53
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-12, 12:25
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-11, 15:43
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-11, 10:06
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-10, 18:22
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-10, 10:52
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-09, 15:06
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-09, 10:34
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-08, 17:53
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-08, 12:56
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-07, 15:19
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-07, 13:33
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens/appendix -
2018-06-06, 13:08
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-06, 13:03
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-05, 14:34
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-05, 12:36
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-04, 14:07
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-04, 13:01
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-03, 15:19
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
2018-06-03, 09:32
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-03, 09:31
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-03, 19:09
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-04, 13:14
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-04, 23:07
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-05, 12:42
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-05, 14:47
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-06, 13:14
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-06, 19:13
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-07, 14:07
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-08, 00:29
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-08, 13:08
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-08, 18:09
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-09, 10:57
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-09, 15:21
- Introducing the brain: mnemonic memory tricks - David Turell, 2018-06-09, 18:16
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-10, 10:59
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-10, 18:48
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-11, 10:18
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-11, 16:03
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-12, 12:40
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-12, 18:14
- Introducing the brain: sleep control center found - David Turell, 2018-06-12, 18:57
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-13, 12:35
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-13, 19:38
- Introducing the brain: the role of glia cells -
David Turell,
2018-06-19, 00:59
- Introducing the brain: different consciousness research -
David Turell,
2019-09-12, 21:16
- Introducing the brain: different consciousness research -
2019-09-13, 10:49
- Introducing the brain: new consciousness research - David Turell, 2020-07-05, 23:09
- Introducing the brain: the circuit for conscious awareness -
David Turell,
2019-10-01, 01:14
- Introducing the brain: the circuit for conscious awareness - David Turell, 2020-11-01, 19:50
- Introducing the brain: different consciousness research -
2019-09-13, 10:49
- Introducing the brain: different consciousness research -
David Turell,
2019-09-12, 21:16
- Introducing the brain: the role of glia cells -
David Turell,
2018-06-19, 00:59
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-13, 19:38
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-12, 18:14
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-12, 12:40
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-11, 16:03
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-11, 10:18
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-10, 18:48
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-09, 15:21
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-09, 10:57
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-08, 18:09
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-08, 13:08
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-08, 00:29
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-07, 14:07
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-06, 19:13
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-06, 13:14
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-05, 14:47
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-05, 12:42
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-04, 23:07
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-04, 13:14
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-03, 19:09
- Introducing the brain: plasticity & double strand DNA breaks - David Turell, 2021-08-30, 17:26
- Introducing the brain: where the spiritual happens -
David Turell,
2018-06-02, 15:35
- Introducing the brain; increased exercise reprograms -
David Turell,
2018-11-06, 18:26
- Introducing the brain; complexity as seen by a computer geek -
David Turell,
2018-11-13, 00:01
- Introducing the brain;complexity seen by a computer geek II -
David Turell,
2018-11-13, 00:17
- Introducing the brain;complexity seen by a computer geek II -
2018-11-13, 13:42
- Introducing the brain;complexity seen by a computer geek II -
David Turell,
2018-11-13, 17:32
- Introducing the brain;complexity seen by a computer geek II -
2018-11-14, 09:53
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
David Turell,
2018-12-09, 19:56
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
2018-12-10, 13:09
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
David Turell,
2018-12-10, 15:30
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
2018-12-11, 14:10
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
David Turell,
2018-12-11, 18:17
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
2018-12-12, 11:13
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
David Turell,
2018-12-12, 15:27
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
2018-12-13, 09:48
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
David Turell,
2018-12-13, 21:24
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
2018-12-14, 10:53
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
David Turell,
2018-12-14, 19:47
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
2018-12-15, 12:06
- brain;complexity: detecting one trillion scents -
David Turell,
2019-01-09, 20:30
- brain;complexity: structure of a hippocampal receptor -
David Turell,
2019-04-14, 21:28
- brain complexity: RNA control of neurogenesis very complex -
David Turell,
2019-04-15, 18:30
- brain complexity: chemical controls -
David Turell,
2020-01-11, 20:00
- brain complexity: chemical controls -
2020-01-12, 12:36
- brain complexity: chemical controls -
David Turell,
2020-01-12, 16:05
- brain complexity: probably calculating dendrites -
David Turell,
2020-01-15, 00:26
- brain complexity: glial cells have functions -
David Turell,
2020-01-28, 00:13
- brain complexity: astrocyte functions - David Turell, 2020-04-24, 23:00
- brain complexity: very specialized auditory neurons - David Turell, 2020-09-01, 18:10
- brain complexity: glial cells have functions II - David Turell, 2020-09-08, 22:33
- brain complexity: message controls -
David Turell,
2020-09-25, 23:46
- brain complexity: does size control mental capacity - David Turell, 2020-09-26, 00:19
- brain complexity: controlled use of energy - David Turell, 2020-10-05, 18:18
- brain complexity: glial cells have functions -
David Turell,
2020-01-28, 00:13
- brain complexity: probably calculating dendrites -
David Turell,
2020-01-15, 00:26
- brain complexity: chemical controls -
David Turell,
2020-01-12, 16:05
- brain complexity: chemical controls -
2020-01-12, 12:36
- brain complexity: chemical controls -
David Turell,
2020-01-11, 20:00
- brain complexity: RNA control of neurogenesis very complex -
David Turell,
2019-04-15, 18:30
- brain;complexity: structure of a hippocampal receptor -
David Turell,
2019-04-14, 21:28
- brain;complexity: detecting one trillion scents -
David Turell,
2019-01-09, 20:30
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
2018-12-15, 12:06
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
David Turell,
2018-12-14, 19:47
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
2018-12-14, 10:53
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
David Turell,
2018-12-13, 21:24
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
2018-12-13, 09:48
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
David Turell,
2018-12-12, 15:27
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
2018-12-12, 11:13
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
David Turell,
2018-12-11, 18:17
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
2018-12-11, 14:10
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
David Turell,
2018-12-10, 15:30
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
2018-12-10, 13:09
- Introducing the brain;complexity: autopilot -
David Turell,
2018-12-09, 19:56
- Introducing the brain;complexity seen by a computer geek II -
2018-11-14, 09:53
- Introducing the brain;complexity seen by a computer geek II -
David Turell,
2018-11-13, 17:32
- Introducing the brain;complexity seen by a computer geek II -
2018-11-13, 13:42
- Introducing the brain;complexity seen by a computer geek II -
David Turell,
2018-11-13, 00:17
- Introducing the brain; complexity as seen by a computer geek -
David Turell,
2018-11-13, 00:01
- Introducing the brain: it anticipates senses -
David Turell,
2019-05-13, 19:50
- Introducing the brain: it anticipates senses -
2019-05-14, 13:18
- Introducing the brain: it anticipates senses -
David Turell,
2019-05-14, 15:13
- Introducing the brain: it anticipates senses -
2019-05-15, 13:35
- Introducing the brain: it anticipates senses -
David Turell,
2019-05-15, 18:18
- Introducing the brain: how Mother's voice shapes it -
David Turell,
2019-06-01, 18:30
- Introducing the brain: astrocytes clean up toxic lipids -
David Turell,
2019-06-01, 20:05
- Introducing the brain: the plasticity of the single neuron -
David Turell,
2019-07-12, 19:21
- Introducing the brain: the plasticity of the single neuron -
David Turell,
2019-08-06, 20:46
- Introducing the brain: cerebellum differs from mouse - David Turell, 2019-10-19, 20:52
- Introducing the brain: the plasticity of body part loss -
David Turell,
2019-11-05, 18:54
- Introducing the brain: keeping track of the body -
David Turell,
2019-11-09, 19:33
- Introducing the brain: not understanding how it works -
David Turell,
2020-02-02, 19:29
- Introducing the brain: strict blood-brain barrier -
David Turell,
2020-02-10, 19:35
- Introducing the brain: protecting memories of learned info -
David Turell,
2020-02-10, 20:04
- Introducing the brain: suppressing extraneous info - David Turell, 2020-02-10, 20:17
- Introducing the brain: protecting memories of learned info -
2020-02-11, 12:20
- Introducing the brain: protecting memories of learned info -
David Turell,
2020-02-11, 14:35
- Introducing the brain: microglia have many functions -
David Turell,
2020-02-12, 20:50
- Introducing the brain: right/ left lobe asymmetry - David Turell, 2020-02-14, 19:22
- Introducing the brain: microglia have many functions -
2020-02-17, 08:47
- Introducing the brain: microglia have many functions -
David Turell,
2020-02-17, 15:01
- Introducing the brain: microglia have many functions - David Turell, 2020-12-15, 15:06
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-17, 18:47
- Introducing the brain: a tiny brain is just fine - David Turell, 2020-02-17, 20:04
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-02-18, 16:27
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-18, 18:33
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-02-19, 13:53
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-19, 19:08
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-02-20, 11:01
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-20, 21:04
- Introducing the brain: Brain control of blood supply -
David Turell,
2020-02-20, 22:12
- Introducing the brain: bumble bee brain confirms shapes -
David Turell,
2020-02-20, 22:38
- Introducing the brain: bumble bee brain confirms shapes -
2020-02-21, 12:44
- Introducing the brain: bumble bee brain confirms shapes -
David Turell,
2020-02-21, 15:00
- Introducing the brain: Albrecht-Buehler addendum - David Turell, 2020-02-21, 22:05
- Introducing the brain: bumble bee brain confirms shapes -
David Turell,
2020-02-21, 15:00
- Introducing the brain: bumble bee brain confirms shapes -
2020-02-21, 12:44
- Introducing the brain: bumble bee brain confirms shapes -
David Turell,
2020-02-20, 22:38
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-02-21, 12:50
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-21, 20:11
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-02-22, 11:07
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-22, 18:16
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-02-23, 08:37
- !! -
David Turell,
2020-02-23, 18:19
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-24, 18:45
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-02-25, 10:39
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-25, 15:25
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-02-26, 19:31
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-26, 21:11
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-02-27, 11:06
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-27, 20:42
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-01, 08:44
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-01, 19:21
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-02, 11:41
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-02, 22:17
- Introducing the brain: newborn brain well organized - David Turell, 2020-03-02, 23:52
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-03, 15:41
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-03, 19:05
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-04, 12:30
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-04, 20:39
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-05, 11:49
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-05, 15:31
- Introducing the brain: half a brain; new erectus paper -
David Turell,
2020-03-05, 21:40
- Introducing the brain: half a brain; new erectus paper - David Turell, 2020-03-06, 02:14
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-06, 15:56
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-06, 17:34
- Introducing the brain: role of transporters in neurons -
David Turell,
2020-03-06, 20:41
- Introducing the brain: human cerebellum different -
David Turell,
2020-03-07, 01:32
- Introducing the brain: human cerebellum different -
David Turell,
2020-03-13, 20:35
- Introducing the brain: neurons change to form memories - David Turell, 2020-03-14, 01:29
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
David Turell,
2020-05-22, 20:56
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
David Turell,
2020-06-12, 22:10
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
2020-06-13, 11:14
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
David Turell,
2020-06-13, 20:13
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
2020-06-14, 10:55
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
David Turell,
2020-06-14, 18:46
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
David Turell,
2020-06-14, 23:36
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different - David Turell, 2020-06-14, 23:51
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
2020-06-15, 11:09
- Introducing the brain: dopamine everywhere - David Turell, 2020-06-15, 17:35
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
David Turell,
2020-06-15, 18:02
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
2020-06-16, 11:20
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different - David Turell, 2020-06-16, 19:44
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
2020-06-16, 11:20
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
David Turell,
2020-06-14, 23:36
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
David Turell,
2020-06-14, 18:46
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
2020-06-14, 10:55
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
David Turell,
2020-06-13, 20:13
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
2020-06-13, 11:14
- Introducing the enlarging brain: human cerebellum different -
David Turell,
2020-06-12, 22:10
- Introducing the brain: human cerebellum different -
David Turell,
2020-03-13, 20:35
- Introducing the brain: human cerebellum different -
David Turell,
2020-03-07, 01:32
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-07, 11:28
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-07, 22:43
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-08, 11:08
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-08, 18:11
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-09, 11:03
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-09, 20:26
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-10, 11:03
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-10, 17:50
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-11, 11:54
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-11, 14:28
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-12, 07:56
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-13, 00:10
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-13, 17:44
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-13, 19:32
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-14, 12:31
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-14, 21:16
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-15, 10:28
- Introducing the brain: brain growth by pattern -
David Turell,
2020-03-15, 15:22
- Introducing the brain: brain growth by pattern -
2020-03-16, 13:56
- Introducing the brain: brain growth by pattern -
David Turell,
2020-03-16, 15:22
- Introducing the brain: brain growth by pattern -
2020-03-17, 12:58
- Introducing the brain: brain growth by pattern - David Turell, 2020-03-17, 20:05
- Introducing the brain: brain growth by pattern -
2020-03-17, 12:58
- Introducing the brain: brain growth by pattern -
David Turell,
2020-03-16, 15:22
- Introducing the brain: brain growth by pattern -
2020-03-16, 13:56
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-15, 19:50
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-16, 14:08
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-16, 18:48
- Introducing the brain: stimulating neurons uses EPO - David Turell, 2020-03-16, 20:59
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-17, 13:16
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-17, 21:15
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-18, 08:52
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-18, 18:52
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-19, 11:49
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-19, 19:04
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-19, 19:04
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-19, 11:49
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-18, 18:52
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-18, 08:52
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-17, 21:15
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-16, 18:48
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-16, 14:08
- Introducing the brain: brain growth by pattern -
David Turell,
2020-03-15, 15:22
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-15, 10:28
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-14, 21:16
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-14, 12:31
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-13, 19:32
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-13, 17:44
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-13, 00:10
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-12, 07:56
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-11, 14:28
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-11, 11:54
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-10, 17:50
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-10, 11:03
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-09, 20:26
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-09, 11:03
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-08, 18:11
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-08, 11:08
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-07, 22:43
- Introducing the brain: role of transporters in neurons -
David Turell,
2020-03-06, 20:41
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-06, 17:34
- Introducing the brain: half a brain; new erectus paper -
David Turell,
2020-03-05, 21:40
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-05, 15:31
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-05, 11:49
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-04, 20:39
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-04, 12:30
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-03, 19:05
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-02, 22:17
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-02, 11:41
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-03-01, 19:21
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-03-01, 08:44
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-27, 20:42
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-02-27, 11:06
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-26, 21:11
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-02-26, 19:31
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-25, 15:25
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-02-25, 10:39
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-24, 18:45
- !! -
David Turell,
2020-02-23, 18:19
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-02-23, 08:37
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-22, 18:16
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-02-22, 11:07
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-21, 20:11
- Introducing the brain: Brain control of blood supply -
David Turell,
2020-02-20, 22:12
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-20, 21:04
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-02-20, 11:01
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-19, 19:08
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
2020-02-19, 13:53
- Introducing the brain: half a brain is just fine -
David Turell,
2020-02-18, 18:33
- Introducing the brain: microglia have many functions -
David Turell,
2020-02-17, 15:01
- Introducing the brain: microglia have many functions -
David Turell,
2020-02-12, 20:50
- Introducing the brain: protecting memories of learned info -
David Turell,
2020-02-11, 14:35
- Introducing the brain: protecting memories of learned info -
David Turell,
2020-02-10, 20:04
- Introducing the brain: strict blood-brain barrier -
David Turell,
2020-02-10, 19:35
- Introducing the brain: not understanding how it works -
David Turell,
2020-02-02, 19:29
- Introducing the brain: keeping track of the body -
David Turell,
2019-11-09, 19:33
- Introducing the brain: the plasticity of the single neuron -
David Turell,
2019-08-06, 20:46
- Introducing the brain: the plasticity of the single neuron -
David Turell,
2019-07-12, 19:21
- Introducing the brain: astrocytes clean up toxic lipids -
David Turell,
2019-06-01, 20:05
- Introducing the brain: how Mother's voice shapes it -
David Turell,
2019-06-01, 18:30
- Introducing the brain: it anticipates senses -
David Turell,
2019-05-15, 18:18
- Introducing the brain: it anticipates senses -
2019-05-15, 13:35
- Introducing the brain: it anticipates senses -
David Turell,
2019-05-14, 15:13
- Introducing the brain: it anticipates senses -
2019-05-14, 13:18
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-02, 15:07
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-02, 08:40
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-06-01, 14:41
- Introducing the brain -
2018-06-01, 07:53
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-31, 18:17
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-31, 12:01
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-30, 18:15
- Introducing the brain: the GPS system -
David Turell,
2018-05-29, 18:24
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-29, 15:18
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-29, 12:42
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-28, 15:05
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-28, 10:37
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-27, 20:42
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-27, 10:55
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-26, 15:27
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-26, 11:22
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-25, 20:03
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-25, 11:30
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-25, 00:04
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-24, 19:23
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-23, 22:10
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-23, 13:07
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-22, 18:37
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-22, 12:50
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-21, 20:09
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-21, 13:37
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-20, 15:36
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-20, 10:28
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-19, 20:22
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-19, 09:52
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-18, 20:54
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-18, 13:03
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-18, 00:08
- Introducing the brain: altering the mind -
David Turell,
2018-05-16, 21:38
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-16, 19:03
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-16, 13:38
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-15, 17:55
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-15, 13:12
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-14, 17:51
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-14, 13:10
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-13, 17:32
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-13, 14:02
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-13, 00:24
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-12, 11:09
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-11, 17:47
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-11, 12:11
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-10, 18:56
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-10, 13:57
- Introducing the brain -
David Turell,
2018-05-09, 17:58
- Introducing the brain -
2018-05-09, 13:07