Latest postings
- origin of humans; latest theories
3 days ago - origin of humans; Neanderthal definitely different species
5 days ago - Panpsychism
40 days ago - origin of humans; Rapa Nui did not destroy island plants
92 days ago - origin of humans; two Neanderthal types
93 days ago - origin of humans; stone age engineering
112 days ago - origin of humans; the role of giant viruses
137 days ago - origin of humans; early migration to southeast Asia
143 days ago - origin of humans; Denisovan Neanderthal mixing
147 days ago - origin of humans; early migration to Argentina
149 days ago - origin of humans; early migration to Iberia
153 days ago - origin of humans; Neanderthal interbreeding over more time
154 days ago - origin of humans; a place for Sahelanthropus
157 days ago - origin of humans; Neanderthal DNA in humans has no Y
179 days ago - origin of humans; tracing early migration patterns
198 days ago
- Panpsychism - dhw, 2024-11-04, 14:03
- origin of humans - dhw, 2023-04-14, 11:59
- origin of humans - David Turell, 2023-05-05, 20:36
- origin of humans; a new fourth branch - David Turell, 2023-08-07, 15:39
- origin of humans; theory of hair loss - David Turell, 2023-08-17, 22:21
- origin of humans; a new ape ancestor - David Turell, 2023-08-23, 17:59
- origin of humans; early use of wood - David Turell, 2023-09-20, 18:11
- origin of humans; evolution of the skull - David Turell, 2023-10-12, 18:08
- origin of humans; Erectus in Ethiopian highlands - David Turell, 2023-10-13, 20:29
- origin of humans; early sapiens Neanderthal mix - David Turell, 2023-10-24, 17:30
- origin of humans; migration to Asia controlled by climate - David Turell, 2024-01-09, 16:07
- origin of humans; migration to the Americas - David Turell, 2024-01-10, 21:32
- origin of humans; migration to Europe - David Turell, 2024-02-01, 15:32
- origin of humans; migration to Europe - David Turell, 2024-02-01, 15:50
- origin of humans; early migration to Jordan - David Turell, 2024-02-09, 19:05
- origin of humans; migration to Europe - David Turell, 2024-03-18, 14:48
- origin of humans; migration to Persian plateau - David Turell, 2024-03-25, 19:07
- origin of humans; the loss of Neanderthals - David Turell, 2024-03-27, 12:39
- origin of humans; h Erectus in Siberia - David Turell, 2024-04-21, 18:18
- origin of humans; the loss of Neanderthals - David Turell, 2024-03-27, 12:39
- origin of humans; migration to Persian plateau - David Turell, 2024-03-25, 19:07
- origin of humans; a new massive analysis - David Turell, 2024-03-30, 17:46
- origin of humans; a new massive analysis - David Turell, 2024-04-28, 18:48
- origin of humans; cave dwellers not hunters - David Turell, 2024-04-29, 19:16
- origin of humans; Denisovans in New Guinea - David Turell, 2024-05-13, 16:55
- origin of humans; early human hunting weapons - David Turell, 2024-05-16, 18:00
- origin of humans; neanderthal sapiens breeding brief - David Turell, 2024-05-28, 23:33
- origin of humans; tracing early migration patterns - David Turell, 2024-05-29, 18:48
- origin of humans; Neanderthal DNA in humans has no Y - David Turell, 2024-06-17, 17:21
- origin of humans; Neanderthal interbreeding over more time - David Turell, 2024-07-12, 19:32
- origin of humans; Neanderthal DNA in humans has no Y - David Turell, 2024-06-17, 17:21
- origin of humans; tracing early migration patterns - David Turell, 2024-05-29, 18:48
- origin of humans; neanderthal sapiens breeding brief - David Turell, 2024-05-28, 23:33
- origin of humans; early human hunting weapons - David Turell, 2024-05-16, 18:00
- origin of humans; Denisovans in New Guinea - David Turell, 2024-05-13, 16:55
- origin of humans; a place for Sahelanthropus - David Turell, 2024-07-09, 21:42
- origin of humans; early migration to Iberia - David Turell, 2024-07-13, 18:27
- origin of humans; early migration to Argentina - David Turell, 2024-07-17, 20:01
- origin of humans; Denisovan Neanderthal mixing - David Turell, 2024-07-19, 17:36
- origin of humans; early migration to southeast Asia - David Turell, 2024-07-23, 18:55
- origin of humans; the role of giant viruses - David Turell, 2024-07-29, 21:06
- origin of humans; stone age engineering - David Turell, 2024-08-24, 15:38
- origin of humans; two Neanderthal types - David Turell, 2024-09-11, 21:24
- origin of humans; Rapa Nui did not destroy island plants - David Turell, 2024-09-12, 22:01
- origin of humans; Neanderthal definitely different species - David Turell, 2024-12-08, 20:46
- origin of humans; latest theories - David Turell, 2024-12-10, 18:36
- origin of humans; two Neanderthal types - David Turell, 2024-09-11, 21:24
- origin of humans; stone age engineering - David Turell, 2024-08-24, 15:38
- origin of humans; the role of giant viruses - David Turell, 2024-07-29, 21:06
- origin of humans; early migration to Argentina - David Turell, 2024-07-17, 20:01
- origin of humans; early migration to Iberia - David Turell, 2024-07-13, 18:27
- origin of humans; cave dwellers not hunters - David Turell, 2024-04-29, 19:16
- origin of humans; a new massive analysis - David Turell, 2024-04-28, 18:48
- origin of humans; migration to Europe - David Turell, 2024-02-01, 15:50
- origin of humans; migration to Europe - David Turell, 2024-02-01, 15:32
- origin of humans; migration to the Americas - David Turell, 2024-01-10, 21:32
- origin of humans; migration to Asia controlled by climate - David Turell, 2024-01-09, 16:07
- origin of humans; early sapiens Neanderthal mix - David Turell, 2023-10-24, 17:30
- origin of humans; early use of wood - David Turell, 2023-09-20, 18:11
- origin of humans; a new ape ancestor - David Turell, 2023-08-23, 17:59
- origin of humans; theory of hair loss - David Turell, 2023-08-17, 22:21
- origin of humans; a new fourth branch - David Turell, 2023-08-07, 15:39
- origin of humans - David Turell, 2023-05-05, 20:36
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2014-07-03, 23:07
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2014-07-04, 02:44
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2014-07-06, 22:00
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2014-07-07, 05:40
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2014-07-08, 12:34
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2014-07-08, 15:11
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2014-07-10, 14:39
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2014-07-10, 22:22
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2014-07-11, 20:58
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2014-07-12, 22:52
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2014-07-14, 12:01
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2014-07-16, 00:34
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2014-07-23, 09:52
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2014-07-23, 17:06
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2014-07-24, 19:33
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2014-07-24, 21:02
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2014-07-26, 22:22
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2014-07-27, 16:24
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2014-07-28, 10:16
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2014-07-28, 18:42
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2014-07-29, 22:01
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2014-07-29, 23:31
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2014-07-30, 21:10
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2014-07-31, 02:46
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2014-07-31, 21:10
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2014-07-31, 23:01
- Before the Big Bang? Afterthought - David Turell, 2014-08-01, 02:04
- Before the Big Bang? Afterthought - dhw, 2014-08-01, 17:52
- Before the Big Bang? Philosopher's view - David Turell, 2015-12-28, 21:19
- Before the Big Bang? Afterthought - dhw, 2014-08-01, 17:52
- Before the Big Bang? Afterthought - David Turell, 2014-08-01, 02:04
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2014-07-31, 23:01
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2014-07-31, 21:10
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2016-08-12, 16:08
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2016-08-14, 11:11
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2016-08-14, 19:32
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2016-08-15, 12:13
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2016-08-15, 18:07
- Before the Big Bang? - BBella, 2016-08-15, 18:13
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2016-08-15, 18:22
- Before the Big Bang? - BBella, 2016-08-15, 18:44
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2016-08-16, 00:32
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2016-08-16, 12:39
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2016-08-16, 18:39
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2016-08-17, 12:20
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2016-08-17, 23:52
- Before the Big Bang? Addendum - David Turell, 2016-08-18, 01:09
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2016-08-18, 21:08
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2016-08-18, 22:59
- Before the Big Bang? Addendum - David Turell, 2016-08-19, 00:54
- Before the Big Bang? Addendum - dhw, 2016-08-19, 12:28
- Before the Big Bang? Addendum - David Turell, 2016-08-19, 20:36
- Before the Big Bang? Addendum - dhw, 2016-08-20, 12:19
- Before the Big Bang? Addendum - David Turell, 2016-08-20, 16:33
- Before the Big Bang? Addendum - dhw, 2016-08-21, 11:35
- Before the Big Bang? Addendum - David Turell, 2016-08-21, 18:05
- Before the Big Bang? Addendum - dhw, 2016-08-22, 13:27
- Before the Big Bang? Supersymmetry dead so far - David Turell, 2016-08-26, 16:59
- Before the Big Bang? Supersymmetry dead so far - dhw, 2016-08-27, 07:44
- Before the Big Bang? Supersymmetry dead so far - David Turell, 2016-08-27, 23:31
- Before the Big Bang? Supersymmetry dead so far - dhw, 2016-08-28, 16:18
- Before the Big Bang? Supersymmetry dead so far - David Turell, 2016-08-29, 00:57
- Before the Big Bang? Supersymmetry dead so far - dhw, 2016-08-29, 12:35
- Before the Big Bang? Supersymmetry dead so far - David Turell, 2016-08-29, 19:03
- Before the Big Bang? Supersymmetry dead so far - dhw, 2016-08-30, 11:47
- Before the Big Bang? Supersymmetry dead so far - David Turell, 2016-08-30, 15:32
- Before the Big Bang? Supersymmetry dead so far - dhw, 2016-08-31, 13:04
- Before the Big Bang? Supersymmetry dead so far - David Turell, 2016-08-31, 18:20
- Before the Big Bang? alterative theories denied - David Turell, 2017-06-15, 22:18
- Before the Big Bang? alterative theories denied - David Turell, 2017-06-18, 23:33
- Before the Big Bang? a new view - David Turell, 2020-12-09, 15:00
- Before the Big Bang? a new view - dhw, 2020-12-10, 11:49
- Before the Big Bang? a new view - David Turell, 2020-12-10, 17:59
- Before the Big Bang? a new view - dhw, 2020-12-11, 08:48
- Before the Big Bang? a new view - David Turell, 2020-12-11, 15:52
- Before the Big Bang? a new view - dhw, 2020-12-12, 08:37
- Before the Big Bang? a new view - David Turell, 2020-12-12, 22:10
- Before the Big Bang? a new view - dhw, 2020-12-13, 12:51
- Before the Big Bang? a new view - David Turell, 2020-12-13, 21:45
- Before the Big Bang? a new view - David Turell, 2023-03-18, 18:55
- Before the Big Bang? a new study - David Turell, 2024-01-31, 17:39
- Before the Big Bang? a new view - David Turell, 2023-03-18, 18:55
- Before the Big Bang? a new view - David Turell, 2020-12-13, 21:45
- Before the Big Bang? a new view - dhw, 2020-12-13, 12:51
- Before the Big Bang? a new view - David Turell, 2020-12-12, 22:10
- Before the Big Bang? a new view - dhw, 2020-12-12, 08:37
- Before the Big Bang? a new view - David Turell, 2020-12-11, 15:52
- Before the Big Bang? a new view - dhw, 2020-12-11, 08:48
- Before the Big Bang? a new view - David Turell, 2020-12-10, 17:59
- Before the Big Bang? a new view - dhw, 2020-12-10, 11:49
- Before the Big Bang? a new view - David Turell, 2020-12-09, 15:00
- Before the Big Bang? alterative theories denied - David Turell, 2017-06-18, 23:33
- Before the Big Bang? alterative theories denied - David Turell, 2017-06-15, 22:18
- Before the Big Bang? Supersymmetry dead so far - David Turell, 2016-08-31, 18:20
- Before the Big Bang? Supersymmetry dead so far - dhw, 2016-08-31, 13:04
- Before the Big Bang? Supersymmetry dead so far - David Turell, 2016-08-30, 15:32
- Before the Big Bang? Supersymmetry dead so far - dhw, 2016-08-30, 11:47
- Before the Big Bang? Supersymmetry dead so far - David Turell, 2016-08-29, 19:03
- Before the Big Bang? Supersymmetry dead so far - dhw, 2016-08-29, 12:35
- Before the Big Bang? Supersymmetry dead so far - David Turell, 2016-08-29, 00:57
- Before the Big Bang? Supersymmetry dead so far - dhw, 2016-08-28, 16:18
- Before the Big Bang? Supersymmetry dead so far - David Turell, 2016-08-27, 23:31
- Before the Big Bang? Supersymmetry dead so far - dhw, 2016-08-27, 07:44
- Before the Big Bang? Supersymmetry dead so far - David Turell, 2016-08-26, 16:59
- Before the Big Bang? Addendum - dhw, 2016-08-22, 13:27
- Before the Big Bang? Addendum - David Turell, 2016-08-21, 18:05
- Before the Big Bang? Addendum - dhw, 2016-08-21, 11:35
- Before the Big Bang? Addendum - David Turell, 2016-08-20, 16:33
- Before the Big Bang? Addendum - dhw, 2016-08-20, 12:19
- Before the Big Bang? Addendum - David Turell, 2016-08-19, 20:36
- Before the Big Bang? Addendum - dhw, 2016-08-19, 12:28
- Before the Big Bang? Addendum - David Turell, 2016-08-19, 00:54
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2016-08-18, 22:59
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2016-08-17, 23:52
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2016-08-17, 12:20
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2016-08-16, 18:39
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2016-08-16, 12:39
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2016-08-16, 00:32
- Before the Big Bang? - BBella, 2016-08-15, 18:44
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2016-08-15, 18:22
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2016-08-15, 12:13
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2016-08-14, 19:32
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2016-08-14, 11:11
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2014-07-31, 02:46
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2014-07-30, 21:10
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2014-07-29, 23:31
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2014-07-29, 22:01
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2014-07-28, 18:42
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2014-07-28, 10:16
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2014-07-27, 16:24
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2014-07-26, 22:22
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2014-07-24, 21:02
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2014-07-24, 19:33
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2014-07-23, 17:06
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2014-07-23, 09:52
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2014-07-16, 00:34
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2014-07-14, 12:01
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2014-07-12, 22:52
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2014-07-11, 20:58
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2014-07-10, 22:22
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2014-07-10, 14:39
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2014-07-08, 15:11
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2014-07-08, 12:34
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2014-07-07, 05:40
- Before the Big Bang? - dhw, 2014-07-06, 22:00
- Before the Big Bang? - David Turell, 2014-07-04, 02:44
- Light and Matter - dhw, 2014-05-19, 13:07
- Light and Matter - David Turell, 2014-05-19, 15:53
- Light and Matter - dhw, 2014-05-20, 16:26
- Light and Matter - David Turell, 2014-05-21, 05:46
- Light and Matter - dhw, 2014-05-22, 10:52
- Light and Matter - David Turell, 2014-05-22, 20:08
- Light and Matter - dhw, 2014-05-23, 16:40
- Light and Matter - David Turell, 2014-05-23, 19:03
- Light and Matter - dhw, 2014-05-24, 20:32
- Light and Matter - David Turell, 2014-05-24, 23:51
- Light and Matter - dhw, 2014-05-25, 15:01
- Light and Matter - David Turell, 2014-05-25, 16:06
- Light and Matter - dhw, 2014-05-26, 20:25
- Light and Matter - David Turell, 2014-05-26, 20:33
- Light and Matter - dhw, 2014-05-27, 18:49
- Light and Matter - David Turell, 2014-05-27, 21:55
- Light and Matter - GateKeeper, 2014-05-28, 00:33
- Light and Matter - David Turell, 2014-05-28, 01:42
- Light and Matter - GateKeeper, 2014-05-28, 12:35
- Light and Matter - David Turell, 2014-05-28, 15:03
- Light and Matter - GateKeeper, 2014-05-28, 18:55
- Light and Matter - David Turell, 2014-05-28, 21:38
- Light and Matter - GateKeeper, 2014-05-28, 18:55
- Light and Matter - BBella, 2014-05-29, 00:58
- Light and Matter - David Turell, 2014-05-29, 06:38
- Light and Matter - dhw, 2014-05-29, 17:41
- Light and Matter - GateKeeper, 2014-05-29, 18:59
- Light and Matter - David Turell, 2014-05-29, 20:19
- Light and Matter - David Turell, 2014-05-29, 20:26
- Light and Matter: another view - David Turell, 2014-05-30, 15:18
- Light and Matter: another view - GateKeeper, 2014-05-30, 15:56
- Light and Matter: another view - dhw, 2014-06-01, 11:13
- Light and Matter: another view - David Turell, 2014-06-01, 16:22
- Light and Matter: another view - dhw, 2014-06-02, 12:57
- Light and Matter: another view - David Turell, 2014-06-02, 14:54
- Light and Matter: another view - David Turell, 2014-06-05, 21:57
- Light and Matter: another view - David Turell, 2014-06-02, 14:54
- Light and Matter: another view - dhw, 2014-06-02, 12:57
- Light and Matter: another view - BBella, 2014-06-01, 18:06
- Light and Matter: another view - GateKeeper, 2014-06-01, 18:31
- Light and Matter: another view - David Turell, 2014-06-02, 00:03
- Light and Matter: another view - GateKeeper, 2014-06-01, 18:47
- Light and Matter: another view - dhw, 2014-06-02, 13:01
- Light and Matter: another view - GateKeeper, 2014-06-02, 15:15
- Light and Matter: another view - dhw, 2014-06-04, 11:40
- Light and Matter: another view - GateKeeper, 2014-06-02, 15:15
- Light and Matter: another view - dhw, 2014-06-02, 13:01
- Light and Matter: another view - David Turell, 2014-06-01, 16:22
- Light and Matter: another view - David Turell, 2014-05-30, 15:18
- Light and Matter - GateKeeper, 2014-05-29, 22:05
- Light and Matter - David Turell, 2014-05-30, 00:52
- Light and Matter - David Turell, 2014-05-29, 20:26
- Light and Matter - David Turell, 2014-05-28, 15:03
- Light and Matter - dhw, 2014-05-28, 17:22
- Light and Matter - David Turell, 2014-05-28, 17:58
- Light and Matter - David Turell, 2014-06-23, 18:50
- Light and Matter - GateKeeper, 2014-05-28, 12:35
- Light and Matter - David Turell, 2014-05-28, 01:42
- Light and Matter - GateKeeper, 2014-05-28, 00:33
- Light and Matter - David Turell, 2014-05-27, 21:55
- Light and Matter - dhw, 2014-05-27, 18:49
- Light and Matter - David Turell, 2014-05-26, 20:33
- Light and Matter - dhw, 2014-05-26, 20:25
- Light and Matter - David Turell, 2014-05-25, 16:06
- Light and Matter - dhw, 2014-05-25, 15:01
- Light and Matter - David Turell, 2014-05-24, 23:51
- Light and Matter - dhw, 2014-05-24, 20:32
- Light and Matter - David Turell, 2014-05-23, 19:03
- Light and Matter - dhw, 2014-05-23, 16:40
- Light and Matter - David Turell, 2014-05-22, 20:08
- Light and Matter - dhw, 2014-05-22, 10:52
- Light and Matter - David Turell, 2014-05-21, 05:46
- Light and Matter - dhw, 2014-05-20, 16:26
- Light and Matter - GateKeeper, 2014-05-29, 12:29
- Light and Matter - GateKeeper, 2014-05-30, 17:44
- Light and Matter - dhw, 2014-05-30, 20:34
- Light and Matter - GateKeeper, 2014-05-30, 22:43
- Light and Matter - dhw, 2014-05-31, 12:48
- Light and Matter - GateKeeper, 2014-05-31, 13:33
- Light and Matter - dhw, 2014-06-01, 11:29
- Light and Matter - GateKeeper, 2014-06-01, 15:47
- Light and Matter - dhw, 2014-06-01, 11:29
- Light and Matter - GateKeeper, 2014-05-31, 13:33
- Light and Matter - dhw, 2014-05-31, 12:48
- Light and Matter - David Turell, 2014-05-31, 00:04
- Light and Matter - GateKeeper, 2014-05-31, 01:57
- Light and Matter; dhw read - David Turell, 2014-05-31, 03:00
- Light and Matter; dhw read - David Turell, 2014-05-31, 03:04
- Light and Matter; dhw read - GateKeeper, 2014-05-31, 04:28
- Light and Matter; dhw read - David Turell, 2014-05-31, 06:24
- Light and Matter; dhw read - GateKeeper, 2014-05-31, 13:12
- Light and Matter; dhw read - David Turell, 2014-05-31, 06:24
- Light and Matter; dhw read - GateKeeper, 2014-05-31, 04:28
- Light and Matter; dhw read - David Turell, 2014-05-31, 03:04
- Light and Matter; dhw read - David Turell, 2014-05-31, 03:00
- Light and Matter - GateKeeper, 2014-05-31, 01:57
- Light and Matter - GateKeeper, 2014-05-30, 22:43
- Light and Matter - dhw, 2014-05-30, 20:34
- Light and Matter - GateKeeper, 2014-05-30, 17:44
- Light and Matter - David Turell, 2014-05-19, 15:53
- Epigenesis and Mushrooms... - xeno6696, 2014-03-04, 03:51
- Epigenesis and Mushrooms... - dhw, 2014-03-04, 13:14
- Epigenesis and Mushrooms... - xeno6696, 2014-03-06, 04:20
- Epigenesis and Mushrooms... - David Turell, 2014-03-06, 06:03
- Epigenesis and Mushrooms... - xeno6696, 2014-03-06, 15:00
- Epigenesis and Mushrooms... - David Turell, 2014-03-06, 15:36
- Epigenesis and Mushrooms... - dhw, 2014-03-07, 20:05
- Epigenesis and Mushrooms... - David Turell, 2014-03-08, 00:35
- Epigenesis and Mushrooms...water! - David Turell, 2014-03-08, 14:36
- Epigenesis and Mushrooms... - xeno6696, 2014-03-09, 04:28
- Epigenesis and Mushrooms... - David Turell, 2014-03-09, 15:33
- Epigenesis and Mushrooms... - David Turell, 2014-03-08, 00:35
- Epigenesis and Mushrooms... - dhw, 2014-03-07, 20:05
- Epigenesis and Mushrooms... - David Turell, 2014-03-06, 15:36
- Epigenesis and Mushrooms... - xeno6696, 2014-03-06, 15:00
- Epigenesis and Mushrooms... - David Turell, 2014-03-06, 06:03
- Epigenesis and Mushrooms... - xeno6696, 2014-03-06, 04:20
- Epigenesis and Mushrooms... - dhw, 2014-03-04, 13:14
- Long Lecture... but fills in some giant gaps... - xeno6696, 2014-03-03, 04:38
- New Physics of Life - George Jelliss, 2014-01-22, 21:14
- New Physics of Life - Balance_Maintained, 2014-01-23, 04:23
- New Physics of Life - David Turell, 2014-01-23, 15:39
- New Physics of Life - George Jelliss, 2014-01-26, 16:03
- New Physics of Life - David Turell, 2014-01-26, 17:55
- New Physics of Life - David Turell, 2018-04-07, 19:24
- New Physics of Life - David Turell, 2014-01-26, 17:55
- New Physics of Life - George Jelliss, 2014-01-26, 16:03
- New Physics of Life - David Turell, 2014-01-23, 15:39
- New Physics of Life - Balance_Maintained, 2014-01-23, 04:23
- Origin of Language - dhw, 2013-12-22, 12:37
- Origin of Language - xeno6696, 2013-12-24, 18:33
- Origin of Language - David Turell, 2013-12-25, 00:11
- Origin of Language - xeno6696, 2013-12-25, 18:59
- Origin of Language - David Turell, 2013-12-25, 21:53
- Origin of Language - xeno6696, 2013-12-25, 18:59
- Origin of Language - dhw, 2013-12-27, 12:14
- Origin of Language - David Turell, 2013-12-27, 20:06
- Origin of Language - xeno6696, 2014-01-07, 14:15
- Origin of Language - David Turell, 2014-01-07, 15:24
- Origin of Language - xeno6696, 2014-01-08, 02:42
- Origin of Language - David Turell, 2014-01-08, 06:21
- Origin of Language - David Turell, 2014-04-02, 16:02
- Origin of Language - David Turell, 2015-04-03, 14:41
- Origin of Language - dhw, 2015-04-05, 14:15
- Origin of Language - David Turell, 2015-04-05, 15:42
- Origin of Language - dhw, 2015-04-06, 12:04
- Origin of Language - David Turell, 2015-04-06, 15:22
- Origin of Language - dhw, 2015-04-07, 12:42
- Origin of Language - David Turell, 2015-04-07, 14:45
- Origin of Language - dhw, 2015-04-08, 12:47
- Origin of Language - David Turell, 2015-04-09, 02:01
- Origin of Language - dhw, 2015-04-09, 19:14
- Origin of Language - David Turell, 2015-04-09, 20:13
- Origin of Language; afterthought - David Turell, 2015-04-09, 21:24
- Origin of Language; second afterthought - David Turell, 2015-04-10, 01:19
- Origin of Language; second afterthought - dhw, 2015-04-10, 20:34
- Origin of Language; second afterthought - David Turell, 2015-04-14, 00:31
- Origin of Language; second afterthought - dhw, 2015-04-15, 10:18
- Origin of Language; second afterthought - David Turell, 2015-04-15, 23:21
- Origin of Language; second afterthought - dhw, 2015-04-16, 20:14
- Origin of Language; second afterthought - David Turell, 2015-04-17, 01:20
- Origin of Language; second afterthought - dhw, 2015-04-16, 20:14
- Origin of Language; second afterthought - David Turell, 2015-04-15, 23:21
- Origin of Language; second afterthought - dhw, 2015-04-15, 10:18
- Origin of Language; second afterthought - David Turell, 2015-04-14, 00:31
- Origin of Language; second afterthought - dhw, 2015-04-10, 20:34
- Origin of Language; second afterthought - David Turell, 2015-04-10, 01:19
- Origin of Language; afterthought - David Turell, 2015-04-09, 21:24
- Origin of Language - David Turell, 2015-04-09, 20:13
- Origin of Language - dhw, 2015-04-09, 19:14
- Origin of Language - David Turell, 2015-04-09, 02:01
- Origin of Language - dhw, 2015-04-08, 12:47
- Origin of Language - David Turell, 2015-04-07, 14:45
- Origin of Language - dhw, 2015-04-07, 12:42
- Origin of Language - David Turell, 2015-04-06, 15:22
- Origin of Language - dhw, 2015-04-06, 12:04
- Origin of Language - David Turell, 2015-04-05, 15:42
- Origin of Language - dhw, 2015-04-05, 14:15
- Origin of Language - David Turell, 2015-04-03, 14:41
- Origin of Language - David Turell, 2014-04-02, 16:02
- Origin of Language - David Turell, 2014-01-08, 06:21
- Origin of Language - xeno6696, 2014-01-08, 02:42
- Origin of Language - David Turell, 2014-01-07, 15:24
- Origin of Language: Koko after 30 years - David Turell, 2015-08-18, 13:40
- Origin of Language - David Turell, 2013-12-25, 00:11
- Origin of Language - xeno6696, 2013-12-24, 18:33
- Eternity - dhw, 2013-11-20, 14:37
- Eternity - David Turell, 2013-11-20, 15:53
- Eternity - dhw, 2013-11-21, 14:11
- Eternity - David Turell, 2013-11-20, 15:53
- The Negative Rh Factor - BBella, 2013-02-28, 06:05
- The Negative Rh Factor - David Turell, 2013-02-28, 15:57
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-02-27, 14:46
- Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-02-27, 16:24
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-02-28, 12:35
- Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-02-28, 16:08
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-01, 18:25
- Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-01, 19:12
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-02, 08:51
- Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-02, 15:12
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-03, 16:34
- Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-02, 15:12
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-02, 08:51
- Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-01, 19:12
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-01, 18:25
- Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-02-28, 16:08
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-02-28, 12:35
- Intelligence - Balance_Maintained, 2013-03-02, 07:08
- Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-02, 14:58
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-02, 19:17
- Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-02, 20:02
- Intelligence - Balance_Maintained, 2013-03-03, 07:02
- Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-03, 15:08
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-03, 17:09
- Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-03, 18:32
- Intelligence - BBella, 2013-03-03, 21:51
- Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-04, 01:34
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-04, 12:45
- Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-04, 16:25
- Intelligence: orphan genes - David Turell, 2013-03-05, 01:27
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-05, 12:17
- Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-05, 15:38
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-06, 12:19
- Intelligence - Balance_Maintained, 2013-03-07, 02:18
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-06, 12:19
- Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-05, 15:38
- Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-04, 16:25
- Intelligence - BBella, 2013-03-03, 21:51
- Intelligence - Balance_Maintained, 2013-03-04, 05:23
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-04, 12:51
- Intelligence - Balance_Maintained, 2013-03-06, 10:38
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-07, 12:16
- Intelligence - Balance_Maintained, 2013-03-08, 05:40
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-09, 11:36
- Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-09, 14:51
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-11, 09:06
- Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-11, 14:28
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-12, 12:29
- Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-11, 14:28
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-11, 09:06
- Intelligence - Balance_Maintained, 2013-03-15, 04:44
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-16, 12:04
- Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-16, 14:16
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-17, 18:58
- Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-18, 17:03
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-19, 14:20
- Intelligence - Balance_Maintained, 2013-03-19, 07:24
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-19, 19:42
- Intelligence - Balance_Maintained, 2013-03-22, 10:07
- Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-22, 14:41
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-23, 15:13
- Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-23, 15:28
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-24, 11:45
- Intelligence - Balance_Maintained, 2013-03-23, 17:53
- Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-23, 18:28
- Intelligence - Balance_Maintained, 2013-03-23, 18:47
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-24, 17:44
- Intelligence - Balance_Maintained, 2013-03-24, 20:01
- Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-24, 20:23
- Intelligence - BBella, 2013-03-25, 06:14
- Intelligence - Balance_Maintained, 2013-03-25, 10:25
- Evolution of Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-26, 14:46
- Evolution of Intelligence - Balance_Maintained, 2013-03-26, 15:16
- Evolution of Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-27, 13:18
- Evolution of Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-27, 13:48
- Evolution of Intelligence - Balance_Maintained, 2013-03-27, 15:21
- Evolution of Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-27, 16:43
- Evolution of Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-28, 14:19
- Evolution of Intelligence - Balance_Maintained, 2013-03-28, 15:01
- Evolution of Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-28, 16:07
- Evolution of Intelligence - Balance_Maintained, 2013-03-29, 07:58
- Evolution of Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-28, 16:07
- Evolution of Intelligence - Balance_Maintained, 2013-03-28, 15:01
- Evolution of Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-28, 14:19
- Evolution of Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-28, 16:41
- Evolution of Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-28, 16:55
- Evolution of Intelligence - Balance_Maintained, 2013-03-29, 08:31
- Evolution of Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-29, 14:28
- Evolution of Intelligence - Balance_Maintained, 2013-03-29, 15:08
- Evolution of Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-30, 19:00
- Evolution of Intelligence - Balance_Maintained, 2013-03-31, 05:12
- Evolution of Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-31, 16:57
- Evolution of Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-31, 18:21
- Evolution of Intelligence - Balance_Maintained, 2013-03-31, 18:48
- Evolution of Intelligence - dhw, 2013-04-01, 19:43
- Evolution of Intelligence - BBella, 2013-04-01, 21:06
- Evolution of Intelligence - dhw, 2013-04-02, 20:27
- Evolution of Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-04-02, 21:09
- Evolution of Intelligence - dhw, 2013-04-02, 20:27
- Evolution of Intelligence - BBella, 2013-04-01, 21:06
- Evolution of Intelligence - dhw, 2013-04-01, 19:43
- Evolution of Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-31, 16:57
- Evolution of Intelligence - Balance_Maintained, 2013-03-31, 05:12
- Evolution of Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-29, 14:28
- Evolution of Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-27, 16:43
- Evolution of Intelligence - Balance_Maintained, 2013-03-27, 15:21
- Evolution of Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-27, 13:48
- Evolution of Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-27, 13:18
- Evolution of Intelligence - Balance_Maintained, 2013-03-26, 15:16
- Intelligence - Balance_Maintained, 2013-03-24, 20:01
- Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-23, 18:28
- Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-23, 15:28
- Intelligence - Balance_Maintained, 2013-03-22, 10:07
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-19, 19:42
- Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-18, 17:03
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-17, 18:58
- Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-16, 14:16
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-16, 12:04
- Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-09, 14:51
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-09, 11:36
- Intelligence - Balance_Maintained, 2013-03-08, 05:40
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-07, 12:16
- Intelligence - Balance_Maintained, 2013-03-06, 10:38
- Intelligence - dhw, 2013-03-04, 12:51
- Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-03-03, 18:32
- Intelligence - David Turell, 2013-02-27, 16:24
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - Balance_Maintained, 2013-01-15, 19:58
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - dhw, 2013-01-16, 17:28
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - David Turell, 2013-01-16, 18:35
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - Balance_Maintained, 2013-01-16, 20:30
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - David Turell, 2013-01-16, 20:56
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - Balance_Maintained, 2013-01-16, 21:36
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - Balance_Maintained, 2013-01-16, 22:34
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - Balance_Maintained, 2013-01-17, 00:06
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - David Turell, 2013-01-17, 00:35
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - David Turell, 2013-01-17, 00:21
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - Balance_Maintained, 2013-01-17, 00:06
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - David Turell, 2013-01-16, 23:57
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - Balance_Maintained, 2013-01-17, 00:10
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - David Turell, 2013-01-17, 00:38
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - Balance_Maintained, 2013-01-17, 00:10
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - Balance_Maintained, 2013-01-16, 22:34
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - Balance_Maintained, 2013-01-16, 21:36
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - dhw, 2013-01-18, 18:30
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - David Turell, 2013-01-18, 19:00
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - dhw, 2013-01-19, 17:57
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - David Turell, 2013-01-19, 20:39
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - dhw, 2013-01-20, 19:55
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - David Turell, 2013-01-20, 23:14
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - dhw, 2013-01-21, 19:47
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - David Turell, 2013-02-16, 15:52
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - David Turell, 2013-02-21, 15:50
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - David Turell, 2013-02-16, 15:52
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - dhw, 2013-01-21, 19:47
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - David Turell, 2013-01-20, 23:14
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - dhw, 2013-01-20, 19:55
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - David Turell, 2013-01-19, 20:39
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - dhw, 2013-01-19, 17:57
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - David Turell, 2013-01-18, 19:00
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - David Turell, 2013-01-16, 20:56
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - Balance_Maintained, 2013-01-16, 20:30
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - David Turell, 2013-01-16, 18:35
- A Scientists Approach to Creation - dhw, 2013-01-16, 17:28
- Origins of Life \"made easy.\" - xeno6696, 2012-10-23, 00:33
- Origins of Life \"made easy.\" - David Turell, 2012-10-23, 05:19
- Origins of Life \"made easy.\" - David Turell, 2012-11-28, 14:26
- Origins of Life \"made easy.\" - David Turell, 2012-10-23, 05:19
- Design not divine? - dhw, 2012-09-25, 17:47
- Design not divine? - David Turell, 2012-09-25, 18:22
- Design not divine? - dhw, 2012-09-26, 19:17
- Design not divine? - David Turell, 2012-09-26, 21:15
- Design not divine? - dhw, 2012-09-27, 20:53
- Design not divine? - David Turell, 2012-09-27, 21:12
- Design not divine? - dhw, 2012-09-27, 20:53
- Design not divine? - David Turell, 2012-09-26, 21:15
- Design not divine? - dhw, 2012-09-26, 19:17
- Design not divine? - David Turell, 2012-09-25, 18:22
- Our Brains are Constructed Randomly - xeno6696, 2012-09-20, 00:39
- Our Brains are Constructed Randomly - David Turell, 2012-09-20, 01:43
- Our Brains are Constructed Randomly - xeno6696, 2012-09-20, 12:47
- Our Brains are Constructed Randomly - David Turell, 2012-09-20, 16:23
- Our Brains are Constructed Randomly - David Turell, 2012-09-20, 18:42
- Our Brains are Constructed Randomly - dhw, 2012-09-21, 20:03
- Our Brains are Constructed Randomly - David Turell, 2012-09-21, 20:07
- Our Brains are Constructed Randomly - David Turell, 2012-09-20, 16:23
- Our Brains are Constructed Randomly - xeno6696, 2012-09-20, 12:47
- Our Brains are Constructed Randomly - David Turell, 2012-09-20, 01:43