Eternity (Origins)

by dhw, Wednesday, November 27, 2013, 18:18 (4024 days ago) @ David Turell

Dhw: ...But you are right that worship of some kind seems to permeate most societies. The only question is whether all of them have latched on to some kind of universal truth, or the self-conscious human mind simply needs explanations of the inexplicable, as well as the hope that some greater power (even if it is terrifying) might help us to overcome the dangers and insecurities of life on Earth.-DAVID: How much danger do you feel know? How insecure are you? That would apply to uncivilized ancient tribes. But even now many people need religion and its comforts. At some elemental level we seem to need religion.-A strange response. A vast area of our planet is being torn apart by disasters both natural and man-made, and in any case people in every part of the world know that at any moment their lives could be shattered by illness or accident. In that we are no different from your ancient, so-called "uncivilized" tribes. So yes indeed, many people do need some sort of god(s) ... as I said, either to explain the inexplicable, or to help them overcome the dangers and insecurities of life on Earth. Those two reasons have always been present, but that doesn't mean the worshippers are deluding themselves.

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