Life's biologic complexity: Automatic molecular actions (Introduction)

by dhw, Wednesday, October 12, 2016, 12:16 (2747 days ago) @ David Turell

DAVID: I presented this to show how automatic cells can be because their molecules have marvelous automatic actions. I've also shown that bacteria have more than one way to perform a function, and if one does not work can start to use another. It is then possible, even probable, to conclude that single-celled animals can react autonomously to all stimuli. And they do come up with simple innovation through epigenetic changes, but species do not change in all the studies done so far. Why I presented automatic molecules should be obvious.

Once again let me repeat: nobody knows how speciation occurs. You have your divine theories (preprogramming/dabbling) and I offer an alternative. My alternative depends on the autonomous intelligence of cells/cell communities. Showing the automaticity of molecules and even of cells is irrelevant, though the reason for your presenting it is indeed obvious: you only want to focus on automaticity. I want to focus on examples of problem-solving and decision-making. Bacteria have plenty of ways of solving problems, as illustrated by the important article on lateral gene transfer (many thanks), the potential for which seems unlimited. You have now twice conceded one can conclude that they react autonomously (elsewhere you wrote: “bacteria can solve problems of survivability on their own[/b]”). That is all I ask for: acknowledgement that cells/cell communities do not have to be preprogrammed or divinely dabbled with if (theistic version) your God has provided them with the intelligence to act autonomously.

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