New Miscellany (General)

by dhw, Thursday, January 23, 2025, 08:43 (8 days ago) @ David Turell


(David changed the quote at the start of this post.)

QUOTE: The inferred age of LUCA […] suggests that the process required a surprisingly short interval of geologic time.

DAVID: The striking point is how quickly life appeared after the Earth formed. Strongly supports the concept of a designer at work.

dhw: […] how do you and the authors know the length of time it normally takes for life to appear and complexify?

DAVID: The molecular clock approach uses sheer estimates. Earliest life was quite complex as LUCA is described.

And how does that tell you the length of time it normally takes for life to appear and complexify?

The brain: concept cells

QUOTE: "Concept cells could code for anything and everything, but they are not used for object recognition. They’re too slow for that: These cells fire after a delay of about 300 milliseconds. It’s unclear why it takes so long,

dhw: 300 milliseconds = so long? I wonder how “long” it takes for cells to recognize objects. Ah well, it’s all relative, as Einstein might have said. Any idea how they measure such timings?

DAVID: The electrodes record any new activity in neurons. Article:
"Called the human connectome, this structural system of neural pathways develops as people age. A new study shows transmission speed among brain regions increases into early adulthood. Learning more about neuron transmission may improve the understanding of psychological disorders."

I asked how they were able to measure 300 milliseconds, and I found it laughable that this should be regarded as being slow.

QUOTE: "It’s possible that these neurons can play different roles and take on different identities based on the task at hand,” Buffalo said. When it needs to be a concept cell for Jennifer Aniston, that’s what it is. When it needs to be a place cell to help you navigate toward the martini at the bar, it is a place cell. “That cell is like a Swiss Army knife,” Miller suggested.

dhw: I do like this. It suggests to me that cells are living, cognitive entities which can perform different activities and take on different roles according to different requirements. Very much in line with Shapiro, wouldn’t you say?

You wouldn't say.

DAVID: very early tentative research into memory function. Identifying specific neuron function is amazing. Animals must have place neurons but not concept ones I assume.

dhw: Does that mean your dog doesn't recognize you?

DAVID: He sees me and reacts immediately.

So how does that mean he has no concept cells? And are you sure that his recognition is immediate, rather than taking 300 milliseconds?:-)

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