Concepts of God (The nature of a \'Creator\')

by romansh ⌂ @, Sunday, April 17, 2016, 14:54 (2933 days ago) @ BBella

Aside from solipsism or any other mental experience, given the fact that there are so many differing accounts of these experiences (though many are uncannily similar) - if you were to go out on a limb for a moment and accept these differing experiences as reality, what do you think would be a good explanation that would fit all of these folks experiences? You do not have to use any known ideas in your answer - you can make up one like I did. - Cause and effect. - We are all made up of the same substrate ... hence the similarities. - We live in a chaotic universe and hence the arrangement of the substrate is different for each of us, and this accounts for the differences.

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