Magic embryology: controlling speed of development (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Sunday, March 09, 2025, 19:34 (5 days ago) @ David Turell

Biochemical controls found:

"Different species live their lives at remarkably different paces. This biological tempo is apparent even before birth: In just three weeks, a fertilized egg can turn into a baby mouse, whereas in elephants, this process can take up to 22 months. While these different trajectories have long been appreciated, the biological mechanisms that set the pace during development remain incompletely understood.

"Body size does play a role, but it’s not the only important factor. In fact, the pace of embryogenesis—the period of development during which most of the internal organs form—doesn’t scale with body weight. For example, in cattle, this phase lasts about 40 days, but in the comparatively diminutive marmoset, it is closer to 80 days.


"The core segmentation clock gene, called hairy and enhancer of split 7 (HES7), is a transcription repressor, explained Ebisuya. “If HES7 protein is expressed, it starts repressing its own expression, and therefore the HES7 protein level goes down,” she said. “Then the repression is released, and the expression level goes back up. It's a one-factor negative feedback loop.” Using a stem cell-derived model so that temperature and other extracellular factors could be controlled, Ebisuya found that the period of this genetic clock was species-specific. For instance, it was 122 minutes in mice, 236 in a rhinoceros, and 388 in a marmoset.


"But what controls the pace of the segmentation clock? The answer is complicated. The HES7 feedback loop—and thus the periodicity of the clock—is governed by the speed of multiple biochemical processes, including transcription, translation, intron removal, and mRNA and protein degradation. Ebisuya wanted to investigate cellular metabolism as a potential modulator of species-specific tempo. “But the problem with metabolism is that the definition is not so clear,” she said. Indeed, her recent paper suggested pharmacologic inhibition of different metabolic processes had distinct effects on the kinetics of different sections of the HES7 feedback loop.

“'My current working hypothesis,” said Ebisuya, “is that rather than a single, common global modulator of species-specific tempo, each species combines different metabolic modulators to achieve its own tempo.'”

Comment: her comment makes good sense. Each species will have its own clock of development. HES7 will be used as specifically required everywhere.

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