Magic embryology: rapid stem cell differentiation (Introduction)

by dhw, Monday, April 20, 2020, 15:19 (1559 days ago) @ David Turell

QUOTE: "Our biological history can be traced back to a small group of cells called embryonic stem cells, which through cell division, give rise to cells that specialise to perform a specific role in the body—a process known as differentiation.
"Our biological history can be traced back to a small group of cells called embryonic stem cells, which through cell division, give rise to cells that specialise to perform a specific role in the body—a process known as differentiation

DAVID: when life was single-celled, reproduction was simply cells splitting. The evolution of sexual reproduction has never been explained by evolution theory. It is high complex, and must be tightly controlled to avoid errors, noting the high speed of the process. This research tells us something of how it works, not how it was created. Design is required by a designer.

I have always suspected that stem cells were the foundation stones of evolution, thanks to their ability to differentiate. Exciting stuff! And yes, I have always acknowledged the case for design, which is a major reason why I am not an atheist. You already know the reasons why I am not a theist either.

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