Theoretical origin of life; stop the hype! (Introduction)

by dhw, Wednesday, June 20, 2018, 13:16 (2136 days ago) @ David Turell

QUOTE: “All this not withstanding, until non-LUCA-derived forms of life are discovered, it does not serve the integrity of science as a source of dependable knowledge to speculate on what came before LUCA much beyond that."

DAVID’s comment: Which is why I show the silly hyper-hyped reporting about minor findings in a highly controlled lab experiments. The start of life still looks like a miracle.

If the theory of common descent is true, nothing came before LUCA or (according to Darwin) a few LUCAs, i.e. life originated in a few different forms. Your comment about controlled lab experiments echoes part of the conclusion to my “brief guide”, and I agree with you that whatever the cause, life looks like a miracle!

Thank you for all the other articles you posted yesterday. I don’t feel the need to comment on them, but they are none the less appreciated!

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