Cosmology: our galaxy is an oddball (Introduction)

by dhw, Friday, October 20, 2017, 17:12 (2590 days ago) @ David Turell

QUOTE: "It is too early to say for sure, but we are increasingly faced with a dilemma, as our telescopes will continue to reveal distant galaxies in more detail, and it is likely that each will be, in some way, peculiar."

DAVID's comment: The issue is whether we are a specially different galaxy to allow life. We're here and this may be the reason. God at work? A quiet neighborhood protects life.

We know that our galaxy allows life. But if it is likely that “each galaxy will be, in some way, peculiar”, your God must have had some reason for making ALL of them different. Can you think of a reason why he would do that, when all he really, really wanted was to produce a galaxy that would enable him to produce us? Alternatively, of course, one can argue that an infinite universe chucking its bits and pieces around for eternity would have produced an infinite number of different galaxies, and sooner or later it was bound to have come up with the right combination for life.

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