Balance of nature: human and theological implications (Introduction)

by dhw, Monday, February 24, 2025, 11:04 (10 days ago) @ David Turell

dhw: Initially, you tried to deny climate change and focused on all the distortions and unprovable predictions made by the “doom and gloom folks”. However, you have now acknowledged the threats posed by current practices, have praised your own country for taking steps to reduce the dangers, have criticized other countries who are ignoring the dangers, and have agreed with me that there has to be a balance between averting environmental disaster and averting social and economic disaster. In view of these agreements, I would say we are both focusing on exactly the same situation and recommending exactly the same solution. Why are you so reluctant to agree with me even though you agree with me? :-)

DAVID: I don't focus on your sense of urgency, and I wish you would relax. ;-)

dhw: I’m delighted with your complete agreement with everything I have written above. Now that you have given all of it your blessing, we can drop the subject, and I can relax. :-)

DAVID: Sweet dreams! ;-)

dhw: I’m sorry to say that there are certain people in the world who are in positions of great power and who do not agree with you and me. If they have their way, our sweet dreams of a sensible solution to the very real problems that you and I see will eventually lose their sweetness. :-(

DAVID: Time to run for prime minister. ;-)

I thought you wanted me to relax! :-) Meanwhile, I remain delighted that we are now in agreement on this whole subject, and I suggest we close this thread.

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