Balance of nature: human and theological implications (Introduction)

by dhw, Friday, February 07, 2025, 13:51 (27 days ago) @ David Turell

Balance of Nature: Theology

DAVID: Totally wrong. God is not an inefficient designer of organisms. His evolutionary method of creation is!!

dhw: I have never criticized the design of organisms! I criticize your ridicule of his method of fulfilling the purpose you impose on him, and the alternatives that I propose above concern the goal and/or the method. (But on the other thread, I have pointed out that you also ridicule him by having him inefficiently issue instructions that fail millions of times over.) Stop dodging!

DAVID: Same theodicy reply. All side effects of His good works.

Same theodicy reply: as omnipotent, omniscient first cause, your God knowingly created every source of evil. Proportionality of good to evil is irrelevant, and “side effects” are hardly a tribute to his efficiency if he never wanted evil in the first place. NB Theodicy remains an unsolved problem for theologians. It’s not one of my making!

Balance of Nature: human

DAVID: International pressure isn't working now, is it? The Paris accord is just what it is, a bunch of useless documents. Only strength works. If the world applied hurtful sanctions India and China might respond properly.

dhw: You have hit the proverbial nail on the head. “The world” consists of all the nations in it, including the USA. Why should India and China “respond properly” if the USA refuses to use its strength to support the rest of “the world” and instead sets the example of non-cooperation?

DAVID: Study our carbon results! We are a fine example of what to do. We should work on sanctions with other nations, no Paris Accord needed.

The purpose of the Paris Agreement was to bring all nations together to agree on and implement measures to be taken (which almost all of them did). You are absolutely right: USA should work with other nations, to ensure that the rules are not ignored. Instead, Trump has not only turned his back on other nations, but is even hell-bent on starting a trade war through sanctions that have nothing to do with the environment but are designed solely in order to serve America’s interests. A fine example to set for China and India!

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