Balance of nature: human and theological implications II (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Saturday, January 25, 2025, 20:03 (5 days ago) @ David Turell

Balance of Nature: human

DAVID: Only the Brazilians can take action!!! While you panic.

dhw: […] Of course only the different countries can take the necessary actions to stop the damage. (Hence the Paris Agreement.) So who do you think is right: your North Americans, who replant, or your Brazilians, who continue to practise deforestation (although they have slightly reduced the amount)?

DAVID: My caring or not about the Amazon forest will not change events Brazilians try upon.

dhw: I am not asking you to govern Brazil! We are exchanging views. So do you approve of the NA loggers who replant, or do you support the Brazilians who continue to practise deforestation?

I'm with our NA loggers and I suggest our State Department complain to Brazil about the Amazon.

DAVID: I can only applaud my countries here.

dhw: "My countries"? I presume you mean you support your fellow American loggers, Which means you support the proposal that measures should taken NOW to prevent further escalation of the damage that is already being caused by current practices. Thank you.

Proper new research on reforestation:

"The new study is the first of its kind to evaluate the potential biodiversity impacts of those three climate change mitigation strategies globally. The team of scientists—led by Dr. Jeffrey Smith, Ph.D., an Associate Research Scholar at Princeton University's High Meadows Environmental Institute—modeled the impact of these mitigation strategies on over 14,000 animal species, from creatures smaller than a mouse to larger than a moose.

"Most countries worldwide, from Austria to Zimbabwe, have committed to using these methods to reach their climate targets. However, as Dr. Beaury notes, "Plant-based mitigation strategies do not have the same effect on the climate or on biodiversity everywhere they are deployed. Our research suggests that we cannot assume plant-based solutions always indirectly reduce the biodiversity crisis."

"The team of scientists—which also included Jonathan Levine, Ph.D., Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Princeton, and Susan C. Cook-Patton, Ph.D., Senior Forest Restoration Scientist at The Nature Conservancy—found that reforestation will benefit many species both locally, by increasing habitat, and globally, by mitigating climate change. These include many iconic forest species from spotted salamanders and red-bellied woodpeckers to jaguars."

Comment: proper research at proper speed.

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