Balance of nature: human and theological implications (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 16:47 (16 days ago) @ dhw

dhw: You accept all the arguments, but you care less about the future of humanity than I do. I’ll take that as a compliment.

For wasted effort.

DAVID: Using wind and sun are very expensive and are not adequate solutions. Hydrogen is a dangerous substitute since it is so volatile a gas, but it offers a way to reduce carbon related sources.

dhw: You clearly share my view that we need to find viable and, of course, efficient alternatives. You just don’t care as much.


DAVID: What is quite clear is China's ambition to rule the world. Drill baby, drill is a current answer to maintain strength. Climate policy becomes very secondary from that viewpoint with nukes everywhere.

dhw: This has nothing whatsoever to do with the need to change the current practices I have listed. Stop dodging.

DAVID: World politics must be considered. Open your mind to their importance.

dhw: Do you really think I am unaware of the appalling state of world politics at the moment, and the huge dangers we are confronted with? My plea to you is the same as your instruction to me: yes, world politics are a huge concern, perhaps threatening disasters even more imminent than environmental disasters, but please do not close your mind to the importance of the latter.

Not closed, just more relaxed about it.

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