Balance of nature: human and theological implications (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Tuesday, February 04, 2025, 18:19 (30 days ago) @ dhw

Balance of Nature: Theology

God and evolution

DAVID: As all-knowing He knows all of our human attributes and may use them in His own way, while not being human in any way.

dhw: As all-knowing first cause of everything, he would have known every attribute you can think of, and if he enjoyed creating, was interested in his creations, wanted a relationship, wanted to be recognized and worshipped, these would be attributes he would pass on to us (the most likely meaning of the Bible’s “in his own image”, since clearly this would not be physical). Remember, all of these were YOUR suggestions, and you have agreed that he probably has thought patterns and emotions like ours. So what are you arguing about?

Making my point. God is not human.

Balance of Nature: human

DAVID: The USA record of carbon control is very good. Why bother with Paris if the giants, India and China, ignore all the rules?

dhw: I’m delighted to see that you now fully acknowledge the need for change, and are condemning India and China for flouting the rules. The answer to your question is that the necessary changes cannot take place without international cooperation. Your president is currently threatening to create economic chaos with his tariffs. Similar tactics might work if the international community united in imposing massive penalties on India and China if they did not abide by the rules. There is no hope of change if USA sets the example of non-cooperative self-interest. You've acknowledged the problem. What is your solution?

DAVID: There is none if nations won't cooperate. Work with cooperative ones in a loose alliance.

dhw: If nations are governed by rulers who do not want to cooperate, there is no hope of a solution. Currently, this is clearly the case with the US. How can the necessary pressure be put on non-cooperative nations if the world’s most powerful economic nation sets the tone by going its own way?

But look at our carbon results. Reduced!!!

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