Far out cosmology: the Webb studies early galaxies (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Friday, October 04, 2024, 21:51 (13 days ago) @ David Turell

And they are confusing:


"...observations from JWST agree with our current understanding of cosmology—the scientific discipline that aims to explain the universe—and of galaxy formation. But they also reveal aspects we didn't expect. Many of these early galaxies shine much more brightly than we would expect given that they existed just a short time after the Big Bang.

"Brighter galaxies are thought to have more stars and more mass. It was thought that much more time was needed for this level of star formation to take place. These galaxies also have actively growing black holes at their centers—a sign that these objects matured quickly after the Big Bang. So how can we explain these surprising findings? Do they break our ideas of cosmology or require a change to the age of the universe?


"Our understanding of cosmology and galaxy formation rests on a few fundamental ideas. One of these is the cosmological principle, which states that, on a large scale, the universe is homogeneous (the same everywhere) and isotropic (the same in all directions). Combined with Einstein's theory of general relativity, this principle allows us to connect the evolution of the universe—how it expands or contracts—to its energy and mass content.

"The standard cosmological model, known as the "Hot Big Bang" theory, includes three main components, or ingredients. One is the ordinary matter that we can see with our eyes in galaxies, stars and planets. A second ingredient is cold dark matter (CDM), slow-moving matter particles that do not emit, absorb or reflect light.

"The third component is what's known the cosmological constant (Λ, or lambda). This is linked to something called dark energy and is a way of explaining the fact that the expansion of the universe is accelerating. Together, these components form what is called the ΛCDM model of cosmology.


"While dark matter and dark energy remain mysterious, the ΛCDM model of cosmology is supported by a wide range of detailed observations. These include the measurement of the universe's expansion, the cosmic microwave background, or CMB (the "afterglow" of the Big Bang) and the development of galaxies and their large-scale distribution—for example, the way that galaxies cluster together.

"The ΛCDM model lays the groundwork for our understanding of how galaxies form and evolve. For example, the CMB, which was emitted about 380,000 years after the Big Bang, provides a snapshot of early fluctuations in density that occurred in the early universe. These fluctuations, particularly in dark matter, eventually developed into the structures we observe today, such as galaxies and stars.


"One of the simpler models of galaxy formation assumes that the rate at which stars form in a galaxy is directly tied to gas flowing into those galaxies. This model also proposes that the star formation rate in a galaxy is proportional to the rate at which dark matter halos grow. It assumes a fixed efficiency at converting gas into stars, regardless of cosmic time.

"This "constant star formation efficiency" model is consistent with star formation increasing dramatically in the first billion years after the Big Bang. The rapid growth of dark matter halos during this period would have provided the necessary conditions for galaxies to form stars efficiently. Despite its simplicity, this model has successfully predicted a wide range of real observations, including the overall rate of star formation across cosmic time.


"In the first year of JWST's operation, it was claimed that some of the earliest galaxies had extremely high stellar masses (the masses of stars contained within them) and a change in cosmology was needed to accommodate bright galaxies that existed in the very early universe. They were even dubbed "universe-breaker" galaxies.

"Soon after, it was clear that these galaxies do not break the universe, but their properties can be explained by a range of different phenomena. Better observational data showed that the distances to some of the objects were overestimated (which led to an overestimation of their stellar masses).

"The emission of light from these galaxies can be powered by sources other than stars, such as accreting black holes. Assumptions in models or simulations can also lead to biases in the total mass of stars in these galaxies.

"As JWST continues its mission, it will help scientists refine their models and answer some of the most fundamental questions about our cosmic origins. It should unlock even more secrets about the universe's earliest days, including the puzzle of these bright, distant galaxies."

Comment: the more we see, the more we learn and have to modify theories and models. Not at all surprising. In a fast-moving areas of study like this one theories have to be liquid, not fixed. We still do not know why the universe has to be as it is. I assume it is all purposeful.

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