Far out cosmology: Milky Way unusual (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Saturday, August 17, 2024, 18:50 (30 days ago) @ David Turell

A comparison galaxies:


"A total of between 200-400 billion stars exist within the Milky Way alone.

"Many possess Sun-like qualities: abundant in heavy elements, and containing rich planetary systems.

"Our Local Group — dominated by the Milky Way and Andromeda — contains over 100 known galaxies.

"Modern, massive galaxies grow from the accretion and merger of earlier, smaller, more primitive ones.

"At the earliest times, all galaxies were small and low-mass compared to today.

"Meanwhile, star-formation reached its peak some ~11 billion years ago.

"It rose to that peak from a star-free state, gradually declining ever since.

"Today, there are between 6-20 trillion galaxies in the Universe.

"However, only ~100 billion are large and massive.

And those ~100 billion “most massive” galaxies contain over 99% of our cumulative 2.21 × 1021 (2.21 sextillion) stars.

"The earliest stars and lowest-mass galaxies encompass the greatest uncertainties.

"Most stars exist within Milky Way-like galaxies, but most galaxies aren’t like ours.
(my bold)

"...there are between 30-100 known small, low-mass galaxies for every large galaxy like the Milky Way or Andromeda in our modern-day Universe. Most of the stars are found in large, massive galaxies, but most galaxies are small and seemingly insignificant.

"...our Local Group, which contains the Milky Way, showcases how there are between 30-100 known small, low-mass galaxies for every large galaxy like the Milky Way or Andromeda in our modern-day Universe. Most of the stars are found in large, massive galaxies, but most galaxies are small and seemingly insignificant."

Comment: the universe is massive, but our galaxy stands out. That difference led to the ability for our Earth to form. Viewed from a standpoint of design, it shows purposeful planning to reach some specialized galaxies that could contain the Earth. dhw wonders why God made the universe so big. I don't know, but as part of God's planning I just accept it as required.

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