Explaining natural wonders (Animals)

by dhw, Thursday, March 24, 2016, 13:47 (2960 days ago)

David has provided us with yet more fascinating natural wonders, for which I for one am immensely grateful.However, not unnaturally, David, you like to add your own personal slant on each of them, as follows:-Cuttlefish
Comment: If one cuttlefish developed this method he couldn't teach it to others because it is an internal metabolic trick. Learning to do it stepwise would result in lots of dead cuttlefish who are not disguised before they figure out the whole process. Saltation from God is one solution that makes sense. Any just-so stories?-Jellyfish
Comment: And dead jelly fish provide nutrients for bottom plants. The bush of life is very intertwine and necessary.-Plant fertilization
Comment: Darwin style evolution cannot create this complexity stepwise! Only saltation fits.-Cuttlefish and plant fertilization: Yes, only saltation fits. Agreed long, long, long ago, but saltation is not a synonym for divine preprogramming or divine intervention. And in any case, it is quite possible that many cuttlefish died, and only those that devised/adopted the camouflage system survived, so that eventually the camouflage system was common to all cuttlefish. That process is called natural selection.-Yes, the bush of life is full of interdependent factors, and these keep changing, and when they change, some species die out and others flourish. It is not beyond the bounds of possibility that one not-so-fine day, some catastrophe or other will cause the human species to die out, leaving behind a yellowed document buried beneath the ruins of a ranch in Texas, and bearing the words: “Thank God for the balance of nature”.

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