Biochemical controls: chemical control of ecosystems (Introduction)
They are called keystone chemicals:
"The biological world is awash in chemical signals. Ants lead their nest mates to food with winding trails of pheromones, plants exude aerosols to warn their neighbors of herbivores, and everything you experience as “smell” is a molecule latching onto your nose. Some molecular messages find their targets; most linger unread in the environment. But sometimes, other species — chemical eavesdroppers, bystanders or visitors — can pick up and interpret the signals in their own way. If the message is powerful enough, the impact can ripple out across an ecosystem.
"In 2007, biologists named these potent molecules after a popular concept in ecology. “Keystone species,” such as starfish in Pacific Northwest tidepools, aren’t abundant, but they have outsize effects on the food web — making those species as crucial to their ecosystems as a load-bearing keystone in an archway. If they’re removed, the idea goes, the entire ecosystem could collapse into a different form. “Keystone molecules,” then, are rare chemicals that can structure, shape and alter connections between species across entire ecosystems.
"Now, a comprehensive study published in Science Advances has combined field work, chemical analysis and community ecology to lend fresh support to the keystone molecule theory(opens a new tab). Researchers studying pungent Alderia sea slugs in a California mudflat isolated molecules new to science from their unappetizing slime. As the scientists studied this cocktail and later introduced it to the mudflat, they recorded profound effects on other species and on the overall nature of the habitat.
“'One small, simple molecule can be tying together these seemingly unrelated species and whole ecosystem processes,” said study author Patrick Krug(opens a new tab), a marine biologist at California State University, Los Angeles. “It is now being recognized as this general phenomenon that we’ve just been kind of oblivious to.”
"In a 2013 paper, they identified four outstanding examples(opens a new tab): tetrodotoxin, a neurotoxin produced by many animals including the newts, pufferfish and octopuses; saxitoxin, which is made by algae and makes shellfish toxic to predators; pyrrolizidine alkaloids, a widespread plant-produced poison that deters herbivores and attracts insects; and dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), a sulfur-rich compound produced by marine algae.
"Across many ecosystems, these chemicals have widespread effects. DMSP, for example, is the ocean’s dinner bell: When the algae are eaten by krill and fish, the chemical leaches into the water and can form gas plumes over the ocean. Seabirds smell the plume from miles away. They follow it to feast on fish and then fly back to their nests, where they deposit excrement laden with nutrients that fuel plant growth on land.
"We are intuitively familiar with the power of chemical signals. The smell of baking bread or stinking garbage can completely alter our behavior. In the case of Alderia sea slugs, their chemistry overwhelms the local food web. (my bold)
"Krug’s experiment confirmed that when alderenes seep into the mud, they restructure the entire community. They drive species out. They affect the quality and content of the soil. They’re used as a reproductive defense by an unrelated species; they’ve even compelled an organism from a different animal phylum to evolve into a slug mimic. The rare chemical has become the main structural element within the mudflat ecosystem — like a keystone in an archway.
“'You have a single slug species making some pretty straightforward little chemical defenses, and it’s changing who’s there and who’s not there,” said Kubanek, who was not involved in the research. “The slug goo is having a really big effect on the whole ecosystem.'”
Comment: animals and plants speak to each other in chemical signals, which create automatic responses as my bold insists. That some key molecules shape ecosystems is an amazing but a logical discovery.
Complete thread:
- Biochemical controls: the kidney -
David Turell,
2022-04-25, 20:47
- Biochemical controls: how enzymes work - David Turell, 2022-04-25, 21:08
- Biochemical controls: the kidney pumps blood -
David Turell,
2022-05-18, 15:24
- Biochemical controls: controlling cell protein output -
David Turell,
2022-05-31, 19:20
- Biochemical controls: intracellular electrical controls -
David Turell,
2022-09-10, 15:54
- Biochemical controls: reading DNA - David Turell, 2022-09-10, 16:16
- Biochemical controls: an enzyme controls growth -
David Turell,
2022-10-31, 17:10
- Biochemical controls: dumping cell waste - David Turell, 2022-10-31, 18:25
- Biochemical controls: protein folding follows rules -
David Turell,
2022-10-31, 22:06
- Biochemical controls: enzyme controls repair - David Turell, 2022-12-02, 00:20
- Biochemical controls: evolution of protein folding -
David Turell,
2023-03-07, 19:27
- Biochemical controls: cell division DNA replication - David Turell, 2023-05-31, 17:43
- Biochemical controls: specialized retinal ganglion cells -
David Turell,
2023-01-29, 17:10
- Biochemical controls: potassium regulation -
David Turell,
2023-01-30, 23:58
- Biochemical controls: photosynthesis in algae -
David Turell,
2023-02-01, 16:03
- Biochemical controls: photosynthesis in phytoplankton -
David Turell,
2023-06-02, 19:13
- Biochemical controls: controls of cell death (apoptosis) - David Turell, 2023-06-02, 21:04
- Biochemical controls: photosynthesis from one photon -
David Turell,
2023-06-14, 17:26
- Biochemical controls: photosynthesis from one photon -
David Turell,
2023-07-03, 22:49
- Biochemical controls: photosynthesis from one photon -
David Turell,
2023-07-05, 16:10
- Biochemical controls: plant root growth factors -
David Turell,
2023-07-08, 18:23
- Biochemical controls: immune memory - David Turell, 2023-07-12, 20:30
- Biochemical controls:photosynthesis roughly 100% efficient -
David Turell,
2023-07-16, 00:58
- Biochemical controls: oxygen without photosynthesis -
David Turell,
2023-07-17, 16:52
- Biochemical controls: expanding bacterial walls -
David Turell,
2023-07-20, 17:43
- Biochemical controls: parasites control hosts -
David Turell,
2023-07-20, 18:05
- Biochemical controls: making insulin -
David Turell,
2023-07-25, 18:02
- Biochemical controls: molecular movements -
David Turell,
2023-08-10, 18:52
- Biochemical controls: FUBI's role -
David Turell,
2023-08-12, 00:19
- Biochemical controls: plant controls for gravity -
David Turell,
2023-08-13, 23:08
- Biochemical controls: cell division atomic level -
David Turell,
2023-08-14, 17:40
- Biochemical controls: nucleolus formation -
David Turell,
2023-08-15, 17:10
- Biochemical controls: molecular language -
David Turell,
2023-08-17, 17:19
- Biochemical controls: gut stem cell development - David Turell, 2023-08-19, 16:15
- Biochemical controls: building cilia -
David Turell,
2023-08-25, 20:33
- Biochemical controls: cell control of mRNA -
David Turell,
2023-08-25, 20:42
- Biochemical controls: treadmilling for cell division -
David Turell,
2023-08-25, 20:54
- Biochemical controls: garbage disposal -
David Turell,
2023-08-26, 20:33
- Biochemical controls: cells form cilia -
David Turell,
2023-08-27, 18:00
- Biochemical controls: intercellular transport -
David Turell,
2023-09-01, 20:50
- Biochemical controls: intracellular garbage removal -
David Turell,
2023-09-27, 18:28
- Biochemical controls: appetite controls -
David Turell,
2023-10-02, 18:15
- Biochemical controls: strange strings on proteins function - David Turell, 2023-10-02, 23:08
- Biochemical controls: appetite controls -
David Turell,
2023-10-02, 18:15
- Biochemical controls: intracellular garbage removal -
David Turell,
2023-09-27, 18:28
- Biochemical controls: intercellular transport -
David Turell,
2023-09-01, 20:50
- Biochemical controls: cells form cilia -
David Turell,
2023-08-27, 18:00
- Biochemical controls: new cell division discovery -
David Turell,
2023-10-07, 19:06
- Biochemical controls: new cell division discovery -
2023-10-08, 00:24
- Biochemical controls: new cell division discovery -
2023-10-08, 11:47
- Biochemical controls: new cell division discovery -
David Turell,
2023-10-08, 16:45
- Biochemical controls: mitochondrial metabolism control -
David Turell,
2023-10-09, 18:04
- Biochemical controls: circadian clock proteins -
David Turell,
2023-10-10, 19:39
- Biochemical controls: circadian clock proteins - David Turell, 2023-10-18, 20:16
- Biochemical controls: circadian clock proteins -
David Turell,
2023-10-10, 19:39
- Biochemical controls: mitochondrial metabolism control -
David Turell,
2023-10-09, 18:04
- Biochemical controls: new cell division discovery -
David Turell,
2023-10-08, 16:45
- Biochemical controls: new cell division discovery -
David Turell,
2023-10-08, 16:06
- Biochemical controls: making operational synapses -
David Turell,
2023-10-12, 21:35
- Biochemical controls: handling stress -
David Turell,
2023-10-16, 18:59
- Biophysical controls -
David Turell,
2023-10-25, 21:36
- Biophysical controls: motors looping DNA -
David Turell,
2023-11-10, 15:54
- Biochemical controls: how mitochondria protect themselves -
David Turell,
2023-11-10, 19:09
- Biochemical controls: how T cells fight cancer -
David Turell,
2023-11-11, 16:55
- Biochemical controls: how MAIT T cells work - David Turell, 2023-11-11, 17:48
- Biochemical controls: ion gate controls -
David Turell,
2023-11-13, 21:03
- Biochemical controls: condensate formation in cells -
David Turell,
2023-11-13, 22:00
- Biochemical controls: reading DNA -
David Turell,
2023-11-24, 22:19
- Biochemical controls: enzymes control insulin level -
David Turell,
2023-12-06, 14:59
- Biochemical controls: enormous number of molecular reactions -
David Turell,
2023-12-11, 19:55
- Biochemical controls: intracellular reactions -
David Turell,
2023-12-21, 20:16
- Biochemical controls: intracellular reactions II - David Turell, 2023-12-21, 20:38
- Biochemical controls: two forms of Actin act differently -
David Turell,
2023-12-22, 19:41
- Biochemical controls: tRNA actions - David Turell, 2023-12-30, 16:02
- Biochemical controls: two forms of actin -
David Turell,
2024-01-01, 18:36
- Biochemical controls: cellular health controls -
David Turell,
2024-01-06, 20:05
- Biochemical controls: cell adhesion controls -
David Turell,
2024-01-08, 17:17
- Biochemical controls: how age is controlled -
David Turell,
2024-01-08, 17:35
- Biochemical controls: mitochondrial vast activities -
David Turell,
2024-01-08, 19:04
- Biochemical controls: cellular molecular decision making -
David Turell,
2024-01-18, 18:59
- Biochemical controls: intercellular communication -
David Turell,
2024-01-19, 19:10
- Biochemical controls: mitochondrial energy output -
David Turell,
2024-01-21, 20:02
- Biochemical controls: managing allergy -
David Turell,
2024-02-08, 20:34
- Biochemical controls: not in the genes!: -
David Turell,
2024-02-28, 18:57
- Biochemical controls: how algae fix CO2 -
David Turell,
2024-03-04, 18:42
- Biochemical controls: why apoptosis? -
David Turell,
2024-03-06, 18:16
- Biochemical controls: controlling autoimmunity -
David Turell,
2024-03-20, 14:54
- Biochemical controls: controlling cardiac functions -
David Turell,
2024-03-28, 23:34
- Biochemical controls: controlling DNA in cell division -
David Turell,
2024-03-30, 22:01
- Biochemical controls: controlling DNA transcriptions -
David Turell,
2024-04-26, 15:56
- Biochemical controls: the role of the interstitium -
David Turell,
2024-04-26, 18:08
- Biochemical controls: the role of membrane ion fluxes -
David Turell,
2024-04-27, 01:04
- Biochemical controls: the role of B cells in cancer control -
David Turell,
2024-05-03, 18:35
- Biochemical controls: T cell controls -
David Turell,
2024-05-04, 20:58
- Biochemical controls: of cell division -
David Turell,
2024-05-05, 22:44
- Biochemical controls: protect a pregnancy -
David Turell,
2024-05-06, 17:47
- Biochemical controls: seed control of 'up' and 'down' -
David Turell,
2024-05-16, 18:29
- Biochemical controls: alternate cellular waste disposal -
David Turell,
2024-06-12, 17:41
- Biochemical controls: proper delivery of proteins -
David Turell,
2024-06-25, 19:43
- Biochemical controls: T cell receptors control gut immunity -
David Turell,
2024-07-05, 16:40
- Biochemical controls: deeper look at cell division - David Turell, 2024-07-06, 18:06
- Biochemical controls: T cell receptors control gut immunity -
David Turell,
2024-07-05, 16:40
- Biochemical controls: proper delivery of proteins -
David Turell,
2024-06-25, 19:43
- Biochemical controls: alternate cellular waste disposal -
David Turell,
2024-06-12, 17:41
- Biochemical controls: seed control of 'up' and 'down' -
David Turell,
2024-05-16, 18:29
- Biochemical controls: protect a pregnancy -
David Turell,
2024-05-06, 17:47
- Biochemical controls: of cell division -
David Turell,
2024-05-05, 22:44
- Biochemical controls: T cell controls -
David Turell,
2024-05-04, 20:58
- Biochemical controls: the role of B cells in cancer control -
David Turell,
2024-05-03, 18:35
- Biochemical controls: the role of membrane ion fluxes -
David Turell,
2024-04-27, 01:04
- Biochemical controls: the role of the interstitium -
David Turell,
2024-04-26, 18:08
- Biochemical controls: controlling DNA transcriptions -
David Turell,
2024-04-26, 15:56
- Biochemical controls: controlling DNA in cell division -
David Turell,
2024-03-30, 22:01
- Biochemical controls: controlling cardiac functions -
David Turell,
2024-03-28, 23:34
- Biochemical controls: controlling autoimmunity -
David Turell,
2024-03-20, 14:54
- Biochemical controls: how phytoplankton's fix nitrogen -
David Turell,
2024-07-17, 19:42
- Biochemical controls: a protein guides cell division -
David Turell,
2024-07-20, 20:44
- Biochemical controls: rythymic gene expression in symbiosis -
David Turell,
2024-07-20, 21:11
- Biochemical controls: long-lived proteins in oocytes -
David Turell,
2024-07-21, 16:53
- Biochemical controls: plant controls genetic or not -
David Turell,
2024-08-02, 18:33
- Biochemical controls: plant controls over cell stress -
David Turell,
2024-08-09, 19:37
- Biochemical controls: symbiotic controls -
David Turell,
2024-08-09, 20:03
- Biochemical controls: over natural killer cells -
David Turell,
2024-08-12, 18:31
- Biochemical controls: plant immunity against viruses -
David Turell,
2024-08-13, 21:36
- Biochemical controls: mitochondrial self-repair -
David Turell,
2024-08-22, 00:10
- Biochemical controls: lipoprotein levels in pregnancy -
David Turell,
2024-08-22, 18:33
- Biochemical controls: providing T cell memories -
David Turell,
2024-08-25, 19:27
- Biochemical controls: a viral bacterial defense mechanism -
David Turell,
2024-08-27, 19:28
- Biochemical controls: histone role in cell functions -
David Turell,
2024-09-01, 16:28
- Biochemical controls: of synapse development - David Turell, 2024-09-02, 01:06
- Biochemical controls: butterfly wing colors -
David Turell,
2024-09-04, 17:32
- Biochemical controls: of specialized cell reproduction -
David Turell,
2024-09-06, 19:13
- Biochemical controls: protecting centromeres -
David Turell,
2024-09-07, 20:02
- Biochemical controls: editing DNA mistakes -
David Turell,
2024-09-08, 18:49
- Biochemical controls: surviving deep sea pressure -
David Turell,
2024-09-09, 20:16
- Biochemical controls: epigenetic gene controls -
David Turell,
2024-09-12, 18:26
- Biochemical controls: intracellular communication -
David Turell,
2024-09-16, 19:32
- Biochemical controls: cells on the edge of chaos -
David Turell,
2024-09-18, 18:42
- Biochemical controls: in embryo development -
David Turell,
2024-09-18, 20:16
- Biochemical controls: more on disordered proteins -
David Turell,
2024-09-21, 18:07
- Biochemical controls: in developing embryo -
David Turell,
2024-09-25, 20:26
- Biochemical controls: in the genome -
David Turell,
2024-09-27, 19:37
- Biochemical controls: an RNA controls cell death -
David Turell,
2024-10-02, 19:13
- Biochemical controls: how endosymbiosis starts -
David Turell,
2024-10-02, 23:06
- Biochemical controls: chaperones control proteins -
David Turell,
2024-10-08, 20:00
- Biochemical controls: -
David Turell,
2024-10-09, 18:33
- Biochemical controls: predicting seasonal change -
David Turell,
2024-10-12, 20:09
- Biochemical controls: how sperm and egg say hello -
David Turell,
2024-10-18, 18:21
- Biochemical controls: consuming dead cell garbage -
David Turell,
2024-10-19, 18:08
- Biochemical controls: checking on harmful invaders -
David Turell,
2024-10-22, 20:16
- Biochemical controls: guiding heart repair -
David Turell,
2024-10-27, 18:12
- Biochemical controls: very many in the gut -
David Turell,
2024-10-30, 17:05
- Biochemical controls: intrinsically disordered proteins -
David Turell,
2024-11-06, 16:49
- Biochemical controls: intrinsically disordered proteins -
2024-11-07, 08:38
- Biochemical controls: intrinsically disordered proteins -
David Turell,
2024-11-07, 15:13
- Biochemical controls: placental controls -
David Turell,
2024-12-11, 17:56
- Biochemical controls: root controls -
David Turell,
2025-01-12, 19:48
- Biochemical controls: T cells help gut immunity -
David Turell,
2025-01-23, 19:25
- Biochemical controls: chemical control of ecosystems - David Turell, 2025-03-05, 19:30
- Biochemical controls: T cells help gut immunity -
David Turell,
2025-01-23, 19:25
- Biochemical controls: root controls -
David Turell,
2025-01-12, 19:48
- Biochemical controls: placental controls -
David Turell,
2024-12-11, 17:56
- Biochemical controls: intrinsically disordered proteins -
David Turell,
2024-11-07, 15:13
- Biochemical controls: intrinsically disordered proteins -
2024-11-07, 08:38
- Biochemical controls: intrinsically disordered proteins -
David Turell,
2024-11-06, 16:49
- Biochemical controls: very many in the gut -
David Turell,
2024-10-30, 17:05
- Biochemical controls: guiding heart repair -
David Turell,
2024-10-27, 18:12
- Biochemical controls: checking on harmful invaders -
David Turell,
2024-10-22, 20:16
- Biochemical controls: consuming dead cell garbage -
David Turell,
2024-10-19, 18:08
- Biochemical controls: how sperm and egg say hello -
David Turell,
2024-10-18, 18:21
- Biochemical controls: predicting seasonal change -
David Turell,
2024-10-12, 20:09
- Biochemical controls: -
David Turell,
2024-10-09, 18:33
- Biochemical controls: chaperones control proteins -
David Turell,
2024-10-08, 20:00
- Biochemical controls: how endosymbiosis starts -
David Turell,
2024-10-02, 23:06
- Biochemical controls: an RNA controls cell death -
David Turell,
2024-10-02, 19:13
- Biochemical controls: in the genome -
David Turell,
2024-09-27, 19:37
- Biochemical controls: in developing embryo -
David Turell,
2024-09-25, 20:26
- Biochemical controls: more on disordered proteins -
David Turell,
2024-09-21, 18:07
- Biochemical controls: in embryo development -
David Turell,
2024-09-18, 20:16
- Biochemical controls: cells on the edge of chaos -
David Turell,
2024-09-18, 18:42
- Biochemical controls: intracellular communication -
David Turell,
2024-09-16, 19:32
- Biochemical controls: epigenetic gene controls -
David Turell,
2024-09-12, 18:26
- Biochemical controls: surviving deep sea pressure -
David Turell,
2024-09-09, 20:16
- Biochemical controls: editing DNA mistakes -
David Turell,
2024-09-08, 18:49
- Biochemical controls: protecting centromeres -
David Turell,
2024-09-07, 20:02
- Biochemical controls: of specialized cell reproduction -
David Turell,
2024-09-06, 19:13
- Biochemical controls: histone role in cell functions -
David Turell,
2024-09-01, 16:28
- Biochemical controls: a viral bacterial defense mechanism -
David Turell,
2024-08-27, 19:28
- Biochemical controls: providing T cell memories -
David Turell,
2024-08-25, 19:27
- Biochemical controls: lipoprotein levels in pregnancy -
David Turell,
2024-08-22, 18:33
- Biochemical controls: mitochondrial self-repair -
David Turell,
2024-08-22, 00:10
- Biochemical controls: plant immunity against viruses -
David Turell,
2024-08-13, 21:36
- Biochemical controls: over natural killer cells -
David Turell,
2024-08-12, 18:31
- Biochemical controls: symbiotic controls -
David Turell,
2024-08-09, 20:03
- Biochemical controls: plant controls over cell stress -
David Turell,
2024-08-09, 19:37
- Biochemical controls: plant controls genetic or not -
David Turell,
2024-08-02, 18:33
- Biochemical controls: long-lived proteins in oocytes -
David Turell,
2024-07-21, 16:53
- Biochemical controls: rythymic gene expression in symbiosis -
David Turell,
2024-07-20, 21:11
- Biochemical controls: a protein guides cell division -
David Turell,
2024-07-20, 20:44
- Biochemical controls: why apoptosis? -
David Turell,
2024-03-06, 18:16
- Biochemical controls: how algae fix CO2 -
David Turell,
2024-03-04, 18:42
- Biochemical controls: not in the genes!: -
David Turell,
2024-02-28, 18:57
- Biochemical controls: managing allergy -
David Turell,
2024-02-08, 20:34
- Biochemical controls: mitochondrial energy output -
David Turell,
2024-01-21, 20:02
- Biochemical controls: intercellular communication -
David Turell,
2024-01-19, 19:10
- Biochemical controls: cellular molecular decision making -
David Turell,
2024-01-18, 18:59
- Biochemical controls: mitochondrial vast activities -
David Turell,
2024-01-08, 19:04
- Biochemical controls: how age is controlled -
David Turell,
2024-01-08, 17:35
- Biochemical controls: cell adhesion controls -
David Turell,
2024-01-08, 17:17
- Biochemical controls: cellular health controls -
David Turell,
2024-01-06, 20:05
- Biochemical controls: intracellular reactions -
David Turell,
2023-12-21, 20:16
- Biochemical controls: enormous number of molecular reactions -
David Turell,
2023-12-11, 19:55
- Biochemical controls: enzymes control insulin level -
David Turell,
2023-12-06, 14:59
- Biochemical controls: reading DNA -
David Turell,
2023-11-24, 22:19
- Biochemical controls: condensate formation in cells -
David Turell,
2023-11-13, 22:00
- Biochemical controls: how T cells fight cancer -
David Turell,
2023-11-11, 16:55
- Biochemical controls: how mitochondria protect themselves -
David Turell,
2023-11-10, 19:09
- Biophysical controls: motors looping DNA -
David Turell,
2023-11-10, 15:54
- Biophysical controls -
David Turell,
2023-10-25, 21:36
- Biochemical controls: handling stress -
David Turell,
2023-10-16, 18:59
- Biochemical controls: making operational synapses -
David Turell,
2023-10-12, 21:35
- Biochemical controls: new cell division discovery -
2023-10-08, 11:47
- Biochemical controls: new cell division discovery -
2023-10-08, 00:24
- Biochemical controls: garbage disposal -
David Turell,
2023-08-26, 20:33
- Biochemical controls: treadmilling for cell division -
David Turell,
2023-08-25, 20:54
- Biochemical controls: cell control of mRNA -
David Turell,
2023-08-25, 20:42
- Biochemical controls: molecular language -
David Turell,
2023-08-17, 17:19
- Biochemical controls: nucleolus formation -
David Turell,
2023-08-15, 17:10
- Biochemical controls: cell division atomic level -
David Turell,
2023-08-14, 17:40
- Biochemical controls: plant controls for gravity -
David Turell,
2023-08-13, 23:08
- Biochemical controls: FUBI's role -
David Turell,
2023-08-12, 00:19
- Biochemical controls: molecular movements -
David Turell,
2023-08-10, 18:52
- Biochemical controls: parasites control hosts - David Turell, 2024-05-02, 21:00
- Biochemical controls: making insulin -
David Turell,
2023-07-25, 18:02
- Biochemical controls: parasites control hosts -
David Turell,
2023-07-20, 18:05
- Biochemical controls: expanding bacterial walls -
David Turell,
2023-07-20, 17:43
- Biochemical controls: oxygen without photosynthesis -
David Turell,
2023-07-17, 16:52
- Biochemical controls: plant root growth factors -
David Turell,
2023-07-08, 18:23
- Biochemical controls: intracellular quantum actions - David Turell, 2023-09-09, 21:25
- Biochemical controls: photosynthesis from one photon -
David Turell,
2023-07-05, 16:10
- Biochemical controls: photosynthesis from one photon -
David Turell,
2023-07-03, 22:49
- Biochemical controls: photosynthesis in phytoplankton -
David Turell,
2023-06-02, 19:13
- Biochemical controls: photosynthesis in algae -
David Turell,
2023-02-01, 16:03
- Biochemical controls: potassium regulation -
David Turell,
2023-01-30, 23:58
- Biochemical controls: how RNA is supplied and delivered - David Turell, 2023-03-06, 19:09
- Biochemical controls: sight from initial molecule's actions -
David Turell,
2023-03-22, 20:26
- Biochemical controls: specialized retinal synapses -
David Turell,
2023-06-19, 15:56
- Biochemical controls: cell conversion controls -
David Turell,
2023-06-29, 17:19
- Biochemical controls: cell life or death controls - David Turell, 2023-06-30, 15:13
- Biochemical controls: cell conversion controls -
David Turell,
2023-06-29, 17:19
- Biochemical controls: specialized retinal synapses -
David Turell,
2023-06-19, 15:56
- Biochemical controls: intracellular electrical controls -
David Turell,
2022-09-10, 15:54
- Biochemical controls: controlling cell protein output -
David Turell,
2022-05-31, 19:20
- Biochemical controls: plant wound signals - David Turell, 2022-10-22, 16:57