Genome complexity: challenges naturalism (Introduction)

by dhw, Friday, September 25, 2015, 16:26 (3133 days ago) @ David Turell

dhw: Your author is using the same device in order to discredit evolution. I object to any false statements which, whether intentionally or not, add unwarranted strength to an argument. The theory of evolution does NOT purport to explain life's origins, so why say that it does? The theory of natural selection does NOT explain the whole of life, so why say that it does? Recent discoveries will NOT bring an end to the acceptance of Darwin's theory of evolution (though they may well bring an end to the acceptance of his ideas on how evolution works), so why say that they will?

DAVID: I know what the author was doing. But that still does not diminish the point (which is what I emphasize) that first life had to be setup to evolve. Evolutionary theory was not exclusive to Darwin the time of his book. It predated him. His theory provided for chance and by your own admission that is not likely. If his theory is emasculated why continue to give him sole credit for recognizing evolution as a probable process? Wallace's point of view is just as strong in my view.-dhw: No problem with any of the above, so long as you agree that authors of all persuasions should refrain from making false statements in an attempt to boost their arguments.-DAVID: Agreed. What has the problem between us is that I have been remiss in clearly pointing out which facts in an article I endorse by assuming you understand my point of view. Just because I present an article doesn't mean I agree with the author's conclusions. You have seen that in our battle over bacterial intelligence.
-Thank you. I have also been remiss. I should have said right from the beginning that I do understand your point of view, and I do understand the argument the article is putting forward. I had assumed that you would assume that I had understood! I was simply too horrified by the gross error of fact to make it clear that I was changing the subject to falsification. All is now clear.

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