Innovation (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Sunday, May 19, 2013, 14:59 (4008 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained

> Tony: One species changing over time but remaining the same species is adaptation, which I agree with whole-heartedly. Saying that one species changed into a new, novel species that had not existed before is a logical assumption that has never been observed....... Little to no genetic data exists in ancient fossils, so it is no more than speculation based on appearance which rests in its entirety on the assumption that speciation did in fact occur. -As I note below looking for homology in DNA is going on at a greater and greater pace. Genetic material is available in more recent fossils, is recoverable, and since a series of species is present, homology can be followed,established, or destroyed. And homology is having a tough time. Morphologic trees are not supported, as you suggest.-> > 
> >David: I use the term 'bush' because Darwin's tree of life does not exist. Instead one sees life spreading around in a bush-like fashion from the beginning of one-celled forms. It is a better description, and is becoming more and more confusing as trying to establish homology in DNA to follow evolution seems to be more and more difficult, again adding credence to my thought that God steps in and manipulates.
> Tony: The tree of life was built strictly off of appearance and physical attributes. The bush of life is the tree getting the crap beat out of it by genetic research. Perhaps, the solution is to build a better model, ...... Maybe it is time to take the puzzle apart and try again.-We are in a basic kind of agreement. Do you propose God as fully hands-on or partially? When you look at this discussion of the Cambrain Explosion fully hands-on seems appropriate:-

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