The Horrors of Evolution (Evolution)

by Carl, Wednesday, September 17, 2008, 12:30 (5709 days ago) @ George Jelliss

In his lecture at Berkley, Dawkins makes a point about how ridiculous it is that no one is allowed to challenge anyone's view about religion. He thinks it silly not to point out how irrational their views are. He is forgetting several centuries of bloody warfare between Protestants and Catholics. When people feel strongly enough about their religion to murder their neighbors in their beds, civil societies learn to tiptoe around the subject. In faulting the Muslims today for savagery, we forget what happened to the Huguenots and others, and even the Irish troubles so recent. The passion stirred by religion cannot be ignored, even if it is irrational. The hard earned lesson is tolerance. We must learn to accommodate the Muslims, even if we do resent feeling intimidated. Bloody warfare can be the price for speaking your mind and doing as you choose in religious debates.

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