The Horrors of Evolution (Evolution)

by dhw, Thursday, September 11, 2008, 13:13 (5715 days ago) @ edinburgh04

Edinburgh4 has once again been kind enough to reply to my questions. - It would be impolite of me not to respond, but it's difficult to do so, because I find your answers evasive and confusing. I'm relieved to see, however, that in the context of morality you now emphasize the prime importance of love, the absence of which in your initial post I found most disturbing. My relief is greatly tempered, though, by the fact that apparently this love will only count in God's eyes if it comes from a Christian. - Perhaps others will understand the rest of your answers better than I can, but in the meantime let me give you three examples of what seems to me like obfuscation: - 1) "...there is evil in the world because [God] loves us and does not want to destroy us." 
See comments on 2 and 3, though I am tempted to ask why in that case God bothered to create evil in the first place.
2) "There is hell because God is good and can let evil go on for ever." I'm not sure whether this is a misprint, and you meant "can't", but on the other hand, since hell is eternal, "can" is probably right, in which case what has the permanence of hell and evil got to do with God being good? - 3) "God has to destroy our sin because he is good. He asks us to step away from it if we refuse we will be destroyed with it." 
But according to you, God's love is unconditional. It seems to me that destroying the person you love if he doesn't do what you want him to do makes your love both conditional and meaningless. - The picture of Christianity that I have put together from your posts is as follows: We are all sinners, but God loves us unconditionally. God will show his unconditional love for us by casting anyone who doesn't believe in Jesus into eternal torment. As for the future of those who do believe, it is possible that they may be saved. 
Please accept my apologies if I have misunderstood you.

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