Convoluted human evolution: Tattersall's take (Introduction)

by dhw, Friday, February 19, 2016, 18:19 (3001 days ago) @ David Turell

dhw; As for the “creation” of consciousness, that is the mystery of ORIGINS, and the origin of my hypothetical conscious (not to be confused with self-aware) inventive mechanism is as unknown as the origin of your hypothetical conscious inventor of the mechanism. - DAVID: What we see requires a planning mind, based on human experience. That experience has to be worth something. I have a reason for my conclusion. Yours is simply an invention to fill a void. - When I say the origin of the mechanism is unknown, I am acknowledging a void. Your God is your invention to fill that particular void, Dawkins would opt for sheer chance, and I have also offered a vague panpsychist hypothesis as a third such “invention”. When we are discussing the mechanics of evolution, we have another void: namely, how it works. Your invention to fill that particular void is God's 3.8-billion-year computer programme and/or personal tuition, Darwin and Dawkins opt for random mutations and natural selection, and mine is an inventive mechanism within the organisms themselves. Two voids, three inventions to fill each void, and none of these inventions are based on human experience because no human has ever experienced the unique origin of the evolutionary mechanism or the unique process whereby bacteria have evolved into humans.

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