Other Forms of Life (Evolution)

by BBella @, Wednesday, December 10, 2008, 19:06 (5623 days ago) @ dhw

I would suggest that all gods are "a more advanced race of beings", - Yes, it seems "God" is a term that was used in the past to cover any advanced being. And then, the word "angel," popped up from the bible (not sure if it was used before that), which gave us the idea that a being could be lower than the gods yet a little higher than our lowly selves. Then, the 50's evolved the term "alien," but still attributed pretty much the same qualities as the beings before, still, a more advanced being. Slowly, as we have become "more advanced" ourselves, our view of these beings (whether they exist or not) evolves as well as our terms for "them." "They" seem to becoming less like gods and more like ourselves, yet still, just more technologically, or however, advanced than ourselves. They, these gods, remain 'out there' because they are 'better' at something, than ourselves. Maybe one day we will become as we aspire them to be? Maybe that's 'their' purpose? - 
>terminology is raising its ugly head again. Right from the start of this forum, we've been hampered by the lack of a single term which would indicate the force that made the universe, but which would not attribute any qualities to it. - To acknowledge or 'believe' there was a force before the universe that made the universe does call for us to search or create a term to hold this idea of 'a' being of omnipotence that only the word 'god,' in our lowly minds, can conjure, yet, seems to call us to relate a human quality to 'it.' We wonder how can a being create out of nothing what it itself is not or cannot fathom? We are told from the scriptures this being wants us to relate to to it, yet only can we do so only with our emotional selves, as that is what we are. How could we relate to a creator without emotions if we are ourselves emotional beings and why would it want us to? These are rhetorical questions. - 
>The moment someone says "God", along come the attachments: "loving", "omnipotent", "perfect", "all good" etc., so "God" and "savage" sound almost like a contradiction. A savage ET doesn't sound quite so jarring. - I think people, knowingly or not, try to bring the creator God of all that is, down to a level they are able to relate so that the idea of creatures from another place no longer seems so foreign, as well as, to more or less fill in the blanks that remain. Again, we have to ask, why do these 'gods' want to relate to us? If any of these stories did happen to any of these people in the scriptures, or to people these days (which are very similar stories), it's understandable they want to relate what has happened to them from the perspective of a 'god' and not of some unknown alien force, or worse, their own imaginations. I cannot say these things has happened for a fact without any shadow of doubt, but many people down thru the ages 'believe' they are having these 'close encounters' ...whatever they are. To discount their testimonies as fiction just because we personally did not see it is akin, to my own mind, to discount anything we can't see ourselves. How can we be so sure that scientist see what they see and not what they want to see? Perspective is a lot more influence than we have realized and science proves this more everyday.

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