Other Forms of Life (Evolution)

by David Turell @, Tuesday, December 16, 2008, 16:13 (5617 days ago) @ dhw

I pointed out that science can only deal with the natural world as we know it, and BBella thinks that most scientists "are correct in believing that everything has a natural explanation, even if they/we don't know what that explanation is." - The above quote is only partially correct. The natural world 'as we know it', includes an area we cannot know but we know does exist. The underpinnings of our natural world is the 'phantom' world of quantum uncertainty. Study it as we may, all we come with is counterintuitive findings: virtual particles pop in and out of 'existence'; a sister particle controls the activities of its sister across the unverse, faster than the speed of light. It is a looking-glass world straight out of Lewis Carroll's brain. Scientists will never know 'everything', every cause and effect. And they cannot answer the question, "why is there anything instead of nothing?" - 
> The key expression, though, is "the natural world as we know it", and in its current state, science cannot provide material explanations for certain phenomena, which leads to scepticism. I'm talking about belief in UFOs, ghosts, ESP, near-death and out-of-body experiences, spiritualism, healing powers etc. They may all be part of nature; they may be delusions; they may be part of an immaterial universe beyond the scope of science. We just don't know, and until we have proof that is positive (or negative) enough to convince us as individuals, we should keep an open mind. - This quote also has its problems and correct statements. I am skeptical about UFO's, and suspect the US Air Force 'skunk works' are test flying some weird airborne machines. ESP exists. My wife has the ability and has proven it to me over and over. In another post I'd be happy to recite my proof. Near death and out of body experiences have been described to me by my patients. They were not delusional; delusions are part of psychosis. They are not hallucinations. Believe me, I know one when I hear one. I have had my own psychic events, just two of them, but very convincing. - ESP may have the folowing cause: The brain works with an intricate electrical network. Electricity produces electromagentism,which is how your antenna picks up radio and TV. There is no reason to deny that the brains 'wires' can pick up and interpret radio signals, or pick up another brain's signals from its electromagnetic waves. - Healing powers are another misconception: as Docs we used the placebo effect all the time. Believe me it works. - The immaterial world is 'material', just not accessable to us as I discussed above. There is strong evidence for human and animal 'species consciousness', that is, aggregate species learning, improving intellectual activity, as well as day-to-day activity. I can quote from other authors if desired. We are not allowed to have these posts too long.

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