Other Forms of Life (Evolution)

by BBella @, Sunday, December 21, 2008, 23:12 (5612 days ago) @ dhw

You were kind enough to tell us the story of your own out-of-body experience, and although I don't want to pressurize you, I for one would be very interested to hear more. Perhaps there are also other people out there who might like to recount their experiences. - Thank you dhw for you patience...I have taken the time and chosen from the many experiences my family and I have had and put them in two parts. - This first post is my experiences and the second will be my family's experiences. I will try and recount them according to a time line to the best of my remembrance.
1. My earliest experience with anything considered unexplained or paranormal (outside of myself, explained in #4) happened one night in the early 70's when I was around 17. I awakened startled from a sound sleep with the feeling of a presence in the room. I turned to look beside my bed and I saw a very dark tall figure standing beside my bed seeming to be slightly bent down over me. The figure was illuminated by the moonlight coming thru the window behind it. I immediately turned on the light and there was no one there and nothing to explain the dark figure as my door and windows in the room were all locked.
2. In the mid 80's I was walking my younger brother ( about 18) out onto the deck of my house to say goodnight just after mid-night and, as we were talking, I looked up to admire the beautiful clear night sky, and almost directly above my head there was, what appeared to be, stars moving very slowly in a straight line from east to west. There had to be many hundreds if not thousands as they were as far as the eye could see from east to west ( I live in the deep woods in the foothills surrounded by pines and large trees on top of a hill, so couldn't see either horizons). The "stars" moved with no sound and were about the size of small, not tiny, stars. We watched for about 15 min or so until my bro decided to go ahead and leave. He said he thought they were probably something to do with the military. But, to this day, I still wonder why we didn't both wait longer to see if the line ended and, wonder too, why we weren't more curious about such a phenomenon? I don't even think we had ever told anyone till years later. I can't even imagine how the military could be that far up with that many flying vehicles that close together with no sound in absolute perfect formation as if someone had drawn dot to dots across the sky. 
3. When I became very ill in the late 90's early 00's, I would often wake up hearing and seeing (from the glow of the moonlight) someone open the door and come in my room or someone standing beside me, but there was never anyone there when I would turn the light on or call out to them. This seemed to happen several times a month at least. I was on no meds or sleeping pills, as nothing given me could take even the slightest amount of pain away and, I've rarely ever had any problems sleeping altho I've always been a light sleeper. But, one night, I awoke to a presence in the room and looked and saw a tall being standing at the foot of my bed. It was dressed in gold armor from head to toe which was made up of small square plates and some seemed to have writings or symbols on them, altho I'm not sure, could have been indention's. Altho there was no light in the room at all, I could see it as plainly as if the room was lit. It also had a helmet/headdress and a staff and just stood there not moving or say anything, altho, the gold did seem to shimmer as if it were reflecting moving light. The room was pitch dark as no moon was out that night. When I turned on the light it wasn't there. I immediately wrote down what I had seen so I could remember it vividly the next day. When I finally turned off the light, I again noticed it was pitch black in the room. None of these things have happened since and it wasn't too long after this that I had the vision that gave me relief of my pain.
More on next post.

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