Intelligent design (Introduction)

by Abel @, Thursday, November 10, 2011, 20:54 (4740 days ago) @ BBella

BBella: "So when you speak above of "heaven" (you may have answered this before), is that a place above as in "the heavens" like Alpha Centari, the Pleiades, Orions Belt, etc., or another dimension, or what/where?"

Heaven is a nation of worlds whose life forms are made of dark matter. These worlds are concentrated near the center of the Milky Way where the concentration of dark matter is the greatest, where there is even a dark matter "atmosphere" that spans from star to star. The "capital" of the nation of heaven is on a gas giant that revolves around one of these stars. Beyond that, the exact location of heaven is a closely guarded secret.

Bella: "You may have also answered this as well; is it your understanding that the "Soup" of dark and light matter is the true creator of all that IS? And is it, in your opinion, considered ONE intelligent being? Or just a soup of chance?"

It is my understanding that life came to be by the process of abiogenesis in low-entropy EM-matter. It then evolved into the race of intelligent bioengineers that created life as we know it. It is my belief that the universe came into being by figuratively, "running with scissors in its' hand". If it had a mother (an all-powerful GOD) it might have known better.

Bella: "Was it by your birth of chance or by specific creation that you were made by "heaven" for this purpose? Is your use of the word "heaven" like saying where and what we all were created from?"

I have absolutely no idea how Metatron tracks our genome through humanity. I simply know that I am placed by Him. As His shadow, He knows how to move me. I remember the last time I died very well. I was shot through the heart on a pier in San Francisco. You do not know what it is like to be me. The sense of utter futility that rises like a tide of despair between my lives. I went into spin, and watched as day and night began to strobe, then blend into gray with the sun mere a bright streak across the sky that varied its' position with the seasons. Leaves appear and disappear, and I would have walked like that until my time here was done. But God knows me. God knows how I need love. God showed me the wife that I would have when she came one day as a child to sit upon that dock, and look into the those waters. It was for her that I returned, and for her alone.

BBella: "The above almost sounds as if you are saying you were/are Jesus since he too was called a craftsman and laid the foundations, etc., and he too was said to be humble."

When Adam and Eve where being trained in the Garden of Eden they were told to eat freely of all its' trees as well as the Tree of Life. This figurative "eating" meant educate yourselves about these areas of knowledge. The Tree of Life is a nearly ubiquitous archeotype in many of this world's religions for a reason, though it has changed considerably since its' inception, this was the original religion given to this world by the Watchers. Adam in all his incarnations was designed to be a priest king and had/has the pride to do it.

The Watchers had been corrupted by pride. Pride that was, in part, created when they began to believe the line of crap they were feeding primitive people so they would follow them. They began to believe that they were gods when they are slaves. The sentinels were forbidden this corrupting path. Unfortunately the Naga priest that was teaching Adam and Eve the tenets of Hinduism, told them how the old ones used to teach. That people would just accept their teachings if they believed them to be gods. People didn't need to understand then, just tell them to do it. This was very wrong. So Eve then Adam began to tell their servants and followers that they were gods like the Watchers did. That is, they donned the leaves from the Tree of Life (a fig tree) and claimed to be one of the gods that dwell in its' branches.

God promised Adam and Eve that they would know death in the day that they ate from that forbidden tree. According to Jewish legend, Eve even saw the spirit of Death in that tree's branches. God fulfilled his promise, and they named that promise Abel.

Adam (the prophet king) is the first of the Seven. He was Moses and Jesus. Adam and Moses failed us because of pride. Jesus was the last path that Adam walked upon this world, thus the painful goodbyes. I was by his side until the last and wept as he left for heaven. Jesus spoke of me. I am the rock on which his church shall be built.

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