Intelligent design (Introduction)

by BBella @, Monday, November 07, 2011, 21:32 (4743 days ago) @ dhw

However, you seem to have a rather one-sided view of humanity....Why must you have a “preference” for animals over humans – can’t you love both? I too love animals, but I have a confession to make: I actually love my wife, grown-up children, grandson and extended family and friends MORE than I love an unknown camel in the Sahara desert. And I believe that among the other 7 billion humans there are vast numbers who are equally loving and worthy of love. Admirable though it is to “practice the tenets of honesty, tolerance and peace”, I would admire you even more if your tenets included love for your fellow humans rather than a general condemnation of humanity because of its “ongoing stupidity”. Why this misanthropy?

I completely agree with the sentiments above, dhw, especially the last statement. And, like you, I too confess I love my family and friends much more than animals as well. But, having been brought up in an abusive situation where animals were the only true "family or friend" I could trust or feel love from, it did take many years to trust even the people who did show me love. As it has been with many children or the forgotten elderly, pet companions, for the most part, will give unconditional love our human family may not be able or have time to give.

Thankfully, I made ammends with my family years ago and hold nothing but love and high regards for them in my heart and mind. I grew to embrace my parents, now quite elderly, with open arms and am there for them always at their every beck and call. In finding myself and healing, I realized they were acting out of their own pain, frustration and teachings they were both brought up with. I've come to believe, when I choose to look with eyes of love, I can view love pretty much anywhere (I hope not to have that belief tested any more than it has been).

I've grown to have much faith in the spirit of humanity and believe good has always out-weighed "evil" and always will. This is my choice to believe, and every day I make it my business to look for proof of my belief.

Sorry for the delay in responding, my pc has been to the pc doc and finally made it back completely healed...for now.


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