More Miscellany: Bechly reappears (General)

by dhw, Thursday, June 06, 2024, 12:58 (191 days ago) @ David Turell

The brain: studies on memory

DAVID: God designed the brains' plasticity which mimics autonomy.

dhw: So the brain “runs the show” and “takes its own decisions”, actually means that the brain doesn’t run the show and doesn’t take its own decisions, but God runs the show and takes all the decisions. It’s amazing what one can do with language.

DAVID: No God doesn't run the show. His DNA instructions do it.

He who issues instructions runs the show. He who issues instructions on decisions makes the decisions. He who says that the brain runs the show and makes the decisions ought to support the theory that the brain runs the show and makes the decisions.

Moths fake out bats (evolved into a discussion about Adler)

All dealt with on the evolution thread. Once again, though, the discussion should not be about what Adler said or didn't say. It should be about the feasibility of the theories on offer.

Examples of Darwinist thinking: Insect adaptations

DAVID: My hatred is of total misuse of Darwin.

dhw: I still don’t know why “evolution really does repeat itself” constitutes totally overblown Darwin-speak propaganda, but it’s refreshing to hear you defending Darwin against those who “misuse” him.

DAVID: Darwinists constantly subtilty defend his undefendable theory.

Your hatred of Darwin is abundantly clear when you label his whole theory “undefendable”! Even you support the theory of common descent (with exceptions), and natural selection as an explanation of survival and extinction is pure common sense. The article only attacks the theory of random mutations. And I still don’t know why you think “evolution repeats itself” is “totally overblown Darwin-speak propaganda”!

Other items are already covered elsewhere, but I’m glad you enjoyed the giraffological neck theory!

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