More Miscellany: Bechly reappears (General)

by David Turell @, Monday, May 20, 2024, 18:35 (37 days ago) @ dhw

Snakes, fungi, wasps and the possum

dhw: Are you referring to the 3.8-billion-years-old instructions your God planted in the first cells for every species and every strategy, including death-feigning, for the rest of history, or to the ad hoc operations and courses he conducts whenever there's a new problem? Is this what all your theologians have taught you?

DAVID: Nothing from theology here. Preprogramming or dabbling.

dhw: And I strongly suspect there is nothing from theology even remotely like the contradictions I have listed on the evolution thread. And yet you say you follow theology’s strict attributes and guidelines.

I follow guidelines of which you are ignorant. My resultant theology is mine alone.

Sapiens brain

DAVID: Sapiens brain added to past complex brains with a vast increase in complexity prior to future complexification by the same brain.

dhw: So sapiens brain was not created “de novo” but evolved as per Darwin from earlier brains. Thank you.

DAVID: Like all the gaps in Darwinian evolution, the complexity gap is real.

dhw: But the complexity gap is the work of the brain cells and connections. Even you are surely not proposing that your God has twiddled every complexification.

God let the complexification process He gave our brain to work on its own.

New fossils found

DAVID: No. Your favorite theory unsupported.

dhw: There is growing support, as you have kindly shown with various articles, but yes, it’s only a theory. So is the existence of God, so is common descent, so is creation “de novo”, and so is your version of God’s messy, inefficient use of evolution to fulfil the theoretical purpose you impose on him.

DAVID: Not much support for cell-committee-driven speciation.

dhw: You said “unsupported”. How many scientists actively support your theory that your God inherited a rule that forced him to design 99.9 species out of 100 that had no connection with his one and only purpose?

Scientists don't mention God, by rule.

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