Arguments against Design (General)

by BBella @, Friday, August 14, 2009, 16:03 (5392 days ago) @ dhw

BBella: Think about it...if you were a UI, why would you just create and sit back and watch when you obviously have the ability to create and experience every creation as it happens simultaneously!
> This is somewhat akin to writing plays and fiction: the writer experiences in his mind what his characters go through, and yet at the same time he's detached and able to watch them. You seem to be going one step further and saying that the UI undergoes the experiences physically. Christians would probably welcome the concept in terms of Christ/God suffering on the cross, but I wonder if they would be equally at home with Christ/God staggering home on a Saturday night, vomiting all over the living-room carpet, and then stabbing his wife in the chest with a carving knife. And I wonder if God would also enjoy being the wife at the same time. - No, for the most part, Christian's definitely would not welcome this concept, altho the scriptures themselves do claim the concept. Being a Christian myself for most of my life (altho with different religious beliefs), and knowing the in's and out's of the scriptures for the most part, I can tell you this concept would repulse most of them! - >I'd have thought that by now he'd have had enough of the pain he keeps inflicting on himself. - Maybe the God I am speaking of, the All that Is, may be evolving it's way out of a pain inflicting way of being for a purpose that may resolve the problem of ever having to go backward, or starting from square ONE (alone) ever again, for ALL involved. WE mainly learn from experiencing and something you have to go to hell to get to heaven (literally). Imagine that this God does not want to create just a few select beings that are replicas of himself, but a whole race of beings very similar to himself, yet different. If I were a UI, and all ONE, or better said, al-one, I think I would want to create as many selves (cells) as possible. If I were able to replicate myself once, I could do it a zillion times. Yet, why replicate a zillion when I want all zillion to feel autonomous, be creative, and be happy as well, not go around creating hells for other created beings? I would have need of a plan to do so, but not only that, I would have to go by trial and error (era). And remember, for the most part, this is all being done holographically. So some part of each being does know, maybe only subconsciously, just what is truly going on here. - If (of course this is all conjecture) I could replicate some beings and get them somewhat balanced first then move on from telling what could come of it. It's just getting these beings to work together in the first place while consciously feeling completely separate and autonomous that is the catch, and of course would take 'time.' And I would also think that this ONE being would want what is best not only for the one self but for all selves as.... all are ONE. - >On the other hand, you're right, it would also be pretty boring just to watch the same old shows. You will gather that I continue to have trouble with the whole concept, but maybe I still haven't really grasped it. - Maybe you are trying to combine the old idea of the Christian God with this concept. What I am speaking of really has nothing to do with the old idea but does have some similarities to the Christian God and maybe even to many other concepts of God or supreme being around the world. Many written scripts may hold some of this concept because possibly somewhere in our memory is a remembrance of this knowing, but all is distorted thru time, perception and power. But in the end of it all, it's all old concepts. This being is ever evolving and so would have evolved from most if not all concepts, including even what I am speaking of. Everything is really only being spoken of in past tense always anyway. - continued....

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