Arguments against Design (General)

by BBella @, Friday, August 07, 2009, 16:10 (5399 days ago) @ David Turell
edited by unknown, Friday, August 07, 2009, 16:29

Right...I understand the body does know how to run itself...but, I do still find it curious that there appears to be a disconnection between the conscious awareness and the lower brain that runs the whole show. I actually believe there isn't a disconnection but more of a forgetfulness... but I am about observing how they are connected.
> If we had to worry consciously about breathing, adjusting pulse rate to exercise, oxygen levels, etc., we would not have time to mentally handle everything else we do. But if we stop and think about breathing, etc. we are aware of its rate and depth. - I didn't mean to imply we should be able to connect to every aspect of our bodies ability to run the whole show, as in consciously breathing, running the heart, etc., I am speaking about becoming conscious when something isn't running correctly and being able to consciously do something about it. - >There are connections between the brain stem and the cortex, but we are supposed to forget the automatic processes unless our attention is called to them. - Right...and possibly our awareness is being brought to these automatic processor's when something isn't right but maybe we have lost (or have yet to become aware of) our ability to recognize when something is out of whack or moving in a direction that will ultimately be detrimental for our health. - >To me the concept of forgetfulness doesn't raise any issues. - It may not be about forgetfulness it may be more about awareness and the need to develop our ability to recognize the connection between the body and the mind in order to enhance the health of both.

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