Arguments against Design (General)

by BBella @, Friday, August 07, 2009, 17:37 (5399 days ago) @ dhw

And so the only real difference ... please forgive me if I'm being obtuse ... between your God and the conventional monotheistic God / Yahweh / Allah, is that yours is still learning, whereas theirs already knows it all. Is that an accurate assessment, or have I missed something? - No, I don't think you missed anything as that is an accurate assessment. - > 
> None of the above should be taken negatively, by the way. I'm just trying to understand the concept, and am breaking it down into my own terms. - Yes, I can see that and, I definitely did not take anything negatively. - > In your reply to George, you emphasize the limitations of science, and adduce your personal experiences as evidence. - Yes, evidence to me only, of course, as I do not expect anyone else to use my evidence as theirs. - >This is a point that has been raised many times on the forum, but it keeps disappearing again. Your own case can be multiplied many times over, and since all our conclusions in this context are based ultimately on conviction and not on provable fact, I think it's a point well worth repeating! - I agree. And in recounting my experience, which I've mentioned before, of recognizing the pattern of my own belief systems during my religious bout (which was most of my life), and observing how each time I changed my belief, the Bible seemed to accommodate this new belief, I then wondered when coming out of my NDE/OBE?, if I could not only choose my own religious belief but choose my own reality perspective? So putting this to the test, I saw, to my own amazement/fear, that not only could I, but I have been doing this all along! This then placed me on pause about just what perspective to now take? And that is where I am....still on pause, more or less.

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