Arguments against Design (General)

by BBella @, Monday, August 03, 2009, 18:21 (5403 days ago) @ George Jelliss

This whole thread seems to have flown off into woo-woo land where you believe things because they seem nice to believe and satisfy your emotional needs. - I am the first to admit, George, that I do believe this kind of thinking because it does satisfy a place in me that wants to believe in a UI because of my own experiences thru life. If there is no such thing as a UI then I have lost nothing when I die. But, while I live, it soothes a part of me that wants to believe in a woo-woo land because it explains perfectly much more than anyone in our halls of institution has so far. 
> There is no evidence whatsoever for a "Universal Intelligence". - Yet, it explains a lot of experience's I've personally had when nothing else can, so to me, there is evidence. Science can tell me how my brain works and how these experiences might be a result of how my brain fires, but science isn't infallible. Science is still learning just as we all are and just because science hasn't found UI doesn't mean it's not there or that it isn't as plain as the nose on their face. For me, there is no evidence whatsoever there isn't a UI...maybe it just takes one to know one. After all, when all is said and done, if it hurts nothing to believe in a UI, as long as no harm is being done by the belief, live and let live. - As for the rocks flying about in the universe, seemingly for no purpose, how can we know UI is not busy at work? Maybe that's how we came to be? A man is never around long enuff to see the results because of the time difference in forever and 100 yrs...or a gazillion!!! Given all the time in forever, maybe even man could become his own personal UI! I know...woo-woo land.

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