Arguments against Design (General)

by BBella @, Sunday, August 02, 2009, 20:50 (5404 days ago) @ David Turell

I can believe in a creator God and at the same time feel that the creator God is evolving just as I am. This way, nothing is set in stone...
> This is close to my belief that there is a universal intelligence that has always exists at a quantum level an has created the universe and exists both within and without this universe. An eternal quantum mind. In the afterlife our quantum mind joins the universal one. - Good to know!!! When someone uses the word God, this idea of UI (universal intelligence) is what comes to mind for me. I do use the word God at times (when speaking to others that believe in the Christian idea of God) and do tend to speak to this UI to gain favor, out of a religious habit, as well. Altho, I believe as well there is much we do not know and have yet to learn about how UI works. I do believe the law of attraction has some basis in QTheory. It is a good way to think regardless, in my perspective, to believe this UI grows in learning and understanding of self, just as we do. This leaves an amazing feeling within that is worth the perspective...true or not. - Also, one other thought, this universal could be reflective of our own body. Altho we are consciously mindful of our physical self we are not mindful of the actual hands on of the many different physical aspects that run the whole show within the body. There seems to be some kind of disconnection there that I am actually seeking to understand more about. Somewhere within the physical body there is an internal knowing of exactly how to run everything presumably for the good of the whole. Seems reasonable. I believe it is probable we could tap into that ability. Something like connecting to the UI in a mindful/conscious way. Ok...enuff hocus pocus...or is it?

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