Tony\'s God (Introduction)

by BBella @, Wednesday, November 30, 2011, 07:34 (4743 days ago) @ Balance_Maintained

[BB]The "god/s"...describes a race of beings our forefathers of the scriptures may have called "God"...this "God" gives me more the feel of a human like being/s that have needs and wants...the "God" of the sacred scriptures is not the same god as the Creator of all that IS.

[TONY] Um, actually, what you describe is EXACTLY what the bible describes. The "ALL that IS" that is mentioned in the bible is described as having only directly created exactly one thing, His 'only begotten son', and everything else was created through him and the active force, or 'holy spirit' of "All that IS". Whether you consider the Elohim as aliens or angels is only symantics as, by all description, they are fallible, have feelings, are not immortal, and can be in fact wrestled down by a mere human(Jacob).

Anything that is fallible, has feelings and is mortal is not what I consider THE ALL THAT IS. That's not to say those that spoke and directed our forefathers from heaven didn't understand much more than we did and so used that knowledge of THE ALL THAT IS to direct us (whether for good or bad I'm not judging)....such as giving a name, the Holy Spirit, to the work of THE ALL THAT IS. We were, after all, like they related to us in whatever way we were able to understand.

God IS love. But, that being said, emotion is a function of intelligence. Personally, I see emotion broken into two categories, apathy and love.

I do not see that emotion is a function of intelligence. I was giving my example of the sentient nature of mother earth as similar to or like. For me, a bull may be angry, a dog may be loving...those seem like emotions, but they are only words our intellect give them. As beings, in the beginning, when we did not have words, we had no mental words of thought, but we had reactions and the bull or the dog. So, for me, emotion is more "like," as I described it, a disturbance or movement of reaction to outside or inside forces. You are giving emotion as from an intellectual thought process..which is not what I meant.

The God of the bible DID react on a very emotional level, so I do not disagree with your statement, I simply allow for a broader scope.

Yes, he did...which is why I say that god/s is not the same as the ALL THAT IS.

[BB]I do believe we, as a species, we can and ARE doing a pretty good job, of getting a grasp of the sentient nature of ALL THAT IS and it's/our own make up and the way it works.

[TONY] I think, as a species, are judgement is too clouded by immediate needs and desires(and our inability to distinguish between the two) to ever "All that IS". We are not temporally ready.

I think we will have to agree to disagree on that one!

[*]Inherited Sin is equivalent to compounded mistakes. An incorrect idea passed down from teacher to student. These mistakes often have physical counterparts that affect our very physical existence and thus are further compounded as they become genetically degrading.

I just don't understand why the word SIN has to even be used or discussed? Just say inherited teachings, mistakes..etc. Unless you feel the need to use it?

[TONY]Because of our imperfect understanding, this damage is irreversible by any means which humanity now possess, or will ever possess in the future, that has been derived from our own knowledge.

[BB]I am completely lost about what the above sentence to clarify?

It means that we are so lost, and so separated from the fundamental nature of reality that humanity as a species will never be able to find our way back on our own, without outside intervention.

You mean, intervention from the aliens/gods/angels,etc? Probably not going to happen. I wouldn't wait for it (altho I could be wrong). On the other hand, why should we devolve, go back to the garden (one of my old fav songs from crosby stills nash and young)? If we did go back, we would just evolve just as we are! What would be different? Make better choices? How can we learn but by our choices? I believe we are evolving and always changing, like the way of all things. We are evolving and becoming more efficient and learning as we go. We may not see ourselves as growing smarter and more efficient because of our short life spans, but we are, nevertheless, becoming what we shall be.

[Tony]This act of creation was performed out of love.

[BB]I, personally, do not believe the purpose we were created by the "gods" was out of love. But, I believe love itself is a powerful creative force that drives, emotionally, the sentient nature of ALL THAT IS. It may be even the most powerful creative emotion that IS.

[Tony]That statement was specifically pointed to the prime motivation, and was made as an answer to DHW's concern over the prime motivation of a creator God. The prime motivation was love.


I believe Love is a by product of creation and may even be the greatest power created, but is it what created humans? I can't say. Of course, most everything I think is always in a state of change...and at one time I did believe that Love was the first cause of all things. Now I don't believe so...

Sorry...I dont have time to proof read...hope it's all understandable!

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