Science vs. Religion: (Chapter 4): In Conclusio (Humans)

by David Turell @, Monday, July 11, 2011, 14:40 (4679 days ago) @ David Turell

> > Finally, your argument via Denton about Survival of the Fittest being tautology was heavily destroyed in the 90's. ""Survival of the fittest" is a poor way to think about evolution. Darwin himself did not use the phrase in the first edition of Origin of Species. 
> I don't believe he ever used it. I can't come up, at the moment,with the name of the associate who did. But by itself, it is absolutely an example of a tautology. -Finally found it: Herbert Spencer!
> > 
> > I have a much better appreciation of your view of chance, when coupled to geological events (such as PE). These are not fallacious; they're like looking at the odds of getting the universe we have-->they are simply fact. -My emphasis on chance has to do with the odds of evolution ever creating an organism as complex as humans by chance starting with inorganic matter to make living matter. Over and over you will find me stating, the more complexity we find, the more likely God exists. And I predict the complexity we find now. And my thinking is from the early 1990's. And I am being proven right in the degree of complexity:-

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