Shedding Light On How Cells Communicate (Introduction)

by David Turell @, Tuesday, November 13, 2012, 15:30 (4394 days ago) @ BBella

bbella: For me, and I know this isn't the way David sees it, I believe consciousness is a by product of the infinite All That Is. Consciousness, because it has evolved, is also now one aspect or a part of the Infinite ATI in a holographic sense. I think the energy/light/makeup of the ATI is a much greater thing (for lack of a better word) than consciousness can ever comprehend, so much so, that the words consciousness and intelligence cannot even begin to express just what IT is. Which is why the word God could have fit more appropriately, if we hadn't already put God in a box so to speak.-My interpretation of your thoughts is that you envision a super-state or force beyond consciousness. Sounds very complex, and usually, when science works it out it is simpler. We know consciousness, even if we do not know what it is. It is deeply involved in quantum mechanics. We all realize this. as I envision it, God is concealed on the other side of it, not our side. God =s ATI. 
> >dhw: and to what extent is consciousness self-conscious? Where are the borderlines?
> bbella: I think consciousness is what humans had before they became self aware or self conscious. We can look about us and see what appears as consciousness, because we have evolved past it. But, as of yet, we do not see self awareness in any other species so we are the top of the line (because we are self aware) in all that we know to be (altho that remains to be seen). So I assume that the borderline between conscious and self conscious is the difference between the human species and other species.-This thought is right on. As I commented yesterday, We had big brains but had to learn how to use them, and that use is still expanding. It is estimated that our use level is at 15% of capacity currently. They are a great gift. We are only 10K years from stoneage! If we don't destroy ourselves, what will the next 10K bring?

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