BBella\'s Universe (Introduction)

by BBella @, Thursday, December 01, 2011, 07:03 (4742 days ago) @ dhw

As regards morality, you are hopeful that humanity will one day “find a balance and harmony” that will make moral codes unnecessary. We can agree to disagree on this, but....

Just to, again, make it clear, I didn't say we would not have moral codes, those can be built into our very being. I was saying we would not need laws, or a government to enforce laws, as we do now. I said there will come a time when the word "morality" would no longer be used, just as the word "sin" is fading from view even as we speak. When a word becomes so filled with different people's ideas of what it means, it begins to lose it's purpose and impact and other words take their place.

I would add that I can’t conceive of a world in which humans could be happy without problems to solve, and the mixture of good and bad which I like to project onto Tony’s God seems to me also to be essential to our human existence: no light without dark, no beauty without ugliness, no joy without sadness. And so, no harmony without discord. Methinks morality is here to stay!

I agree. I can't see a society like that either. But, I can see a society that has found more balance and harmony than we have now, even tho they still have problems to solve, good and bad things happening, light and dark and beauty and ugliness as well. I believe it's possible to have we evolve. It would not be would just be a more balanced way of being than we are now. We are a more balanced society now than we were in the dark ages...because we have evolved, as a society. Yes, there are a lot of kinks to still work out...but that's what we are all about doing as we evolve...working on our kinks...individually, and as a society.

I shall take a few bars of chocolate instead.

And so shall I.

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