autonomy v. automaticity (Evolution)

by dhw, Saturday, March 10, 2018, 10:33 (2246 days ago) @ David Turell

Tony: Well, in the creation account, it says he created certain groups, but does not indicate that every variation we know today was created initially. It also talks about being created according to a "kind". That would be a prototype from which future variants could develop from the base model.

dhw: I don’t have a problem with that. Nor did Darwin, who talks of life “having been originally breathed by the Creator into a few forms or one.” My own hypothesis of cellular intelligence would certainly not preclude the design of prototypes, with different cell communities coming up with different “patterns” (David’s term) that can subsequently be re-used with variations.

DAVID: I've commented today with an article on spider coloration in Hawaii.
DAVID’S comment: This is certainly an evidence of patterns of control in evolution, gain providing evidence that God guided evolution using patterns of control. Tony and I discussed this with a Biblical quote from Genesis, making them in their own kind. Thursday, March 08, 2018, 19:15

Tony’s emphasis was on prototypes, and this article emphasizes convergence, and both ideas are consistent with Darwin’s theory that all the variations sprang from a few forms or one. That includes similar patterns evolving as well as different ones. Why you should equate this with God “guiding” evolution I really don’t know. These spiders adapted to their different environments by using different coloured camouflage. If God exists and did not preprogramme each colour scheme 3.8 billion years ago or do a personal dabble so that these different colour schemes would balance life to keep it going before he was able to fulfil his one and only purpose of producing the sapiens brain, then he must have given them the mechanism to do it themselves.

dhw: […] whenever you insist that bacteria and ants are robots, I shall feel obliged to point out to you that that is a subjective opinion and not a fact.

DAVID: And I will stick to the point that intelligently planned responses by a designer is information contained in bacteria and ants, providing automatic responses to stimuli and changing conditions for those organisms. PAX.

It’s not a point, it’s a subjective opinion which you continually try to present as if it were a fact. I can no more disprove your subjective opinion than you can disprove that of the scientists who disagree with you. If you accept this, we can have pax.

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