Chance v. Design (Evolution)

by Matt S. ⌂ @, Thursday, June 04, 2009, 22:24 (5448 days ago) @ dhw

dhw, - I really wasn't trying to convince you of anything... just hoping that your construction of what you view to be chance looks more than a reference to the word "chance." - As for what I believe, I've been well-trained enough in science to say I don't believe... but at the same time I know what it is I want to be correct. So if I come off a little strong on the chance thing, please write that off to my being eager more than an actual position. - The computer algorithm stuff is tricky to explain, because logically--you are correct. But math guys look at things a little differently. - To me, we have a fantastic explanation of everything that happened after life began. But before then? No, people are right to be skeptical about the actual origin of life... its just in my case I have been immersed in enough different kinds of science (having studied 2 summers in biochem labs), math, electronics... you name it--that I cannot see a way to determine the answer with a method other than science... but science has been utterly devastating to physical explanations of our world of a supernatural origin. In order to argue for a creator, you have to be able to define its limits... and how do you do that? - Part of why I lean 'atheist' has little to do with science. We're the only species that claims anything about god. We don't see other mammals engaging in activities that resemble reverence or prayer... so its something unique to us. And if the human race suddenly disappeared tomorrow... so would all thoughts about god. We're all made of stardust. We are no different in the end, than any other creature... yet we're the only one who bows to a creator-god? The idea of a creator really appears to me to be both a conscious and subconscious effort by humanity to feel significant in some way in this universe. Most things about man and our cultures are entirely self-made. Think of the variability of customs and religions for that matter... If a creator exists, than why only us who decide at some point to worship him? We're one species among millions, perhaps billions. And we're the only ones... it makes me feel--something's wrong with this idea. - I have no idea where this part of the thread belongs.

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