Fundamentalism (General)

by Carl, Friday, November 07, 2008, 14:15 (5656 days ago) @ Walter

Walter says "And now Bush and Blair ride off heroically into the sunset, leaving a trail of blood behind them." With approval ratings around 25%, rejection by his own party and the label of "incompetent" already applied by historians to his administration, Bush's ride into the sunset is not very heroic.
"The argument that Saddam already had WMDs was clearly ridiculous. Ask yourselves if you would attack a country led by a brutal dictator who you thought had WMD which he could launch against you within 45 minutes?"
Saddam was believed by the military to have WMD, and the troops were equipped and trained to deal with that. Hey! War is dangerous.
Walter has assumed the verdict of history. He may be right.

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